Sunday, March 08, 2020

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Volare"

What's up, pals o' mine?

How's life treatin' youse this week?

Tryin' to stay calm, with this awful virus runnin' wild?
Same here, my friends.
Scary stuff.

I'm tryin' to stay calm.
Stay cautious.
And definitely stay positive!

Can't let it consume you.

I is hopin' & prayin' ...everythin' will eventually get back to normal, mi amici.
Then we can all get back to livin' & lovin'...likes all us devoted Dino-holics were born to do!

So, pallies...I'm thinkin'...this week...we ALL could use some upliftin' & positive croonin', from our main dude, Dino.

A happy Serenade...that will lift us waaayyyy up high!

Take us away...just for a moment...from all this craziness.

Keep us focused on the good stuff, pals.

Now, mi just so happens...Danny G. looked for some advice on this one.
I looked toward a very special friend..& a totally tuned-in Dino-lovin' diehard.

Well, I wanted to get this one right, my friends.

I think it's an extra importante time, right now.
A very importante time that we must ALL stick together & conquer this ugly thin'.
And we will, pals!
We definitely will! friend did not let me down.
Without hesitation..."Volare".
Ahhhhhhh. Perfecto!
What better lift us up...up above the craziness.
Above the troubles of the world.
And let us float away with Dino.
Float to better places & better days to come, my friends.
So, pals...let's get to the sweet sweet swoonin' croon!
We'll beat this, pallies o' mine!
Stay calm.
Stay cautious.
And above all...stay positive!


  1. We are moving along in March and of course there is so much going on, good and bad but that's how it usually goes. Of course as you mentioned Danny G. the big news seems to be the coronavirus taking center stage now. Of course there is a lot of uncertainty going on but I also believe there is no reason to panic. As long as one takes simple precautions most people will be safe. There seems to be panicked buying already among some people but being from New England I saw that every time snow was forecasted. It seems some people look for any excuse to overreact. Anyways a great selection this week my friend, a classic song if there was ever one. Dean Martin sure knows how to bring a smile to ones face no matter what us going on. I trully think there is a DM song for every single occasion. A wonderful choice as always my friend.

    Have a great week.


  2. Youse is right there, pal! Dino DEFINATELY has a jam for EVERY occasion! Glad it brightened your day!
