Monday, September 16, 2019

Today In Dino-history: September 16, 1965

dino on Make A Gif

Hey pallies, likes this very Dino-day  is likes the 54th anniversary of our golden voiced Dino's entrance onto weekly television,........yet  'nother deeply delightful  day in the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino.  It was 54---count 'em---54  years ago on September 16 in the year of our Dino 1965 that The Dean Martin Show premiered on the peacock channel and as they say, the rest is Dino-history.  The show ran for nine swankly supreme seasons and aired for a grand total of 264 episodes.

Likes we all know the story of how our Dino really didn't want to do a weekly television show and how he made what woulda seemed to have been outrageous demands of NBC likes only workin' one day a week...the day of recordin' the show with no other rehearsin'....and the wise wise folks at NBC consented to all of our Dino's demands...and for those nine glorious years our Dino crooned his way into our hearts, givin' us tons of laughs, and much much wonderous wit and wisdom to profoundly  ponder as well.

Likes we are so so grateful that slowly but surely parts of the series have been released on DVDs for us to continue to soak in all the glories of our King of Cool.  Our hugest  hope of hopes and our deepest dream of dreams is that one day, all 264 episodes in their full length will find there way into general release so that each and every moment of deep Dino-wonderment will be ours forever!

In honor of this most festive of festive Dino-occasions we first share with all youse Dino-holics a couple of vid clips of that first broadcast featurin' our most beloved Dino, his bestest of best pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra and a ton of other other celebrities all wishiin' our King of Cool the best on his new small screen effort.  And, we have also chosen a quintet of just a few of our most fav of fav moments from our great great man's great great show.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters



September 16, 1965 "The Dean Martin Show" premiered on NBC, Thursday nights at 10 p.m. It was one of the highest-rated shows of the 1965-66 season and runs for nine seasons


  1. What a day in Dean Martin History and a very important one at that. It really is hard to believe that is was 54 years ago that Dean started his Television show, can you believe that!? Where does the time go? Anyways he lasted an incredible nine years and his show rocketed him rite to the top, I am sure everyone involved never imagined things would go as great as they did esp since most show don't come anywhere near to the success that Deans did.

    A great moment remembered DMP, have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks ever so much for takin' the time to add your delightful Dino-reflection on this incredibly important day in the life, times, and teachin's of our most most most beloved DINO!

  3. Youse know, pals...54 years really ain't all THAT long ago! Seriously. Think 'bout it. The older I get, the more time seems to fly by, I guess. Either way...what a SPECIAL day that was!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, to us the awesomely amazin' thin' is that the Dino-show is as cool, hip, and randy as fantastically fresh as our one, our only DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our keenest of keen King of Cool, our hippest of hip Master of Hip, our randiest of randy Ruler of Randy!

  5. The greatest day in Dino History!

    Thanks, DMP, for including "Always." I feel as if our Dino is singing it directly to me. One of my nicknames is Always.

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, youse is most Dino-welcome. Always is truly one of our most fav Dino-croons from the Dino-show and we "get" why this Dino-croon is held so closely in your Dino-heart! Keeps lovin' our most most most beloved DINO!
