Sunday, September 15, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Things We Did Last Summer"

Well well well...Here we are...once ‘gain, my friends...windin' down our Sunday Serenades of Summer.


 Time TRULY does fly!

We biddin' “adieu” to 'nother BEA U TI FUL sunny season & lookin' ahead to cooler breezes & shorter days.

Hope youse JAM-PACKED these last few months with sun-shiny fun & ALL THINS' DINO! Haha!!

I'm sure youse did, pals.
We're Dino-holics...that's what we do!

Hard to believe, just the same.

 Time to trade in the pool swimmin' & sun-bakin' for apple pickin' & leaf-rakin'!

Only a week or so,  left...& Autumn will be sneakin' in.

Catches us when we leasts expects it! 

We'll be ready though, pallies!

We gonna store as MUCH summery memories as possible...keeps ALL those SWINGIN' Dino-tunes in mind.
Gonna create a "go-to" section in our brains that will be  COM PLETE LY STUFFED with warm Dino thoughts!

Dino-tunes & cookouts...
Dino-tunes & fireworks...
Dino-tunes & walks on the beach...
O...did I mention the tunes?
Yea...I did.

Well, mi amici...seems pretty obvious to me...that there's only ONE very special croon that can keep ALL these very special memories simmerin' on low...'til next year.

"The Things We Did Last Summer", will be that life-line we can reach for when thins' get a wee bit too tough to bare...
when the chilly weather seems to be hangin' 'round a little too long...
when we find ourselves longin' for a sunny day & a yummy drink in the shade!

Yea, pals...we'll be just fine.

Just keep those hot Summer days in mind...& Dean is NEVER too far behind!

Now go squeeze the last few drops outta this season...& I'll see youse next week for our Summer finale!



  1. The perfect song for the changing season, The Things We Did Last Summer is a beautiful Dean Martin song and perfect for looking back at the happy times we had. You know that autumn is on the way with the beginning of the new football season. As far as I am concerned it could not get here quick enough. At least things are starting out well for the Patriots, and hopefully that continues. :-)

    A great choice as always Danny G.!

    Have a wonderful week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed dude every single thin' is the beautiful best when our Dino is a part of wonderful to bring our most beloved Dino into every moment of each and every Dino-day! Thanks for the terrific tune and as always keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one our only DINO!

  3. Hey there, pals o' mine! Glad youse dug the Dino-jam! Yup...Summer is sailin' into the sunset. o man...what fun we is gonna have this Fall! Dino makes EVERY day...EVERY season...a bright, sunshinin' time!! Ciao, 'til next week, pallies!
