Tuesday, September 24, 2019

.....not yet knowing Dean Martin’s smiling face would be greeting me for the next three years of my life whenever I bought groceries.


Hey pallies, likes time after time as we work our way through all the Dino-'lerts that our pallies at google send into our inbox we find such a marvelous mix of wonderful ways that our most most beloved Dino gets reverently referenced all over the ol' world wide web.  Likes we gotta 'fess up that as much as we would deeply desire to share each and everyone of 'em, we simply run outta time and energy to do so.  But, likes there are those perfectly primo remarkable references that swankly stand out from rest and we just have to powerfully pass 'em on to Dino-philes everywhere.

Likes today's Dino-devotion is one those most deeply delightful Dino-references that we simply must sweetly share with all youse Dino-adulators.  We would likes to introduce you to a cool collegiate tagged Mr. Luke Ponce (pictured below) who currently resides in our Dino's home town of Steubenville, Ohio where Ponce attends Franciscan University and is a Fine Arts Columnist for the school's rag, "THE TROUBADOUR."

Recently Luke superbly scribed a fantastic fine arts column, "Mural, mural on the wall," in which he wonderfully writes 'bout the over 20 murals that grace the walls of the sides of buildings most in the downtown area of Stu-ville and speaks of their incredible importance to the history of the community.
Likes of all the murals that Mr. Ponce coulda use to greatly grab the attention of his fellow student readers, which one did he awesomely accent?  Youse guessed it pallies....The Dino-mural that as Luke states is on the outside of the Kroger grocery store...." a much larger-than-life-sized Dean Martin, Steubenville’s most famous son, alongside several scenes from his career."

All youse Dino-holics can deeply  drink in Luke's opennin' Dino-focused paragraphs below, and to read his prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  We solemnly salute Mr. Luke Ponce for puttin' our Dino center stage in his creative column and givin' his fellow collegiates mucho to ponder and an intriguing introduction to our  King of Cool, sure to grow many into a deeper knowin', lovin; and desirin' of our most beloved Dino.  It gives us such deep happiness to find our Dino spoken so kindly in the pages of Franciscan University's student newspaper.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Mural, mural on the wall

by Luke Ponce • September 16, 2019


Luke Ponce

Barely a hop, skip and a jump away from our campus, just off of Sunset Boulevard, you’ll find something that at first seems out of place nestled between the Big Red stadium and the strip mall parking lot.

It is a mural depicting a much larger-than-life-sized Dean Martin, Steubenville’s most famous son, alongside several scenes from his career. The mural is prominently displayed on the outside of Kroger, such that one can’t help but notice it when driving into the shopping center.

Indeed, it was one of the first unique aspects of the city I noticed in those long ago days when I was but a visiting high school senior taking in the city through the passenger side window of the family car, not yet knowing Dean Martin’s smiling face would be greeting me for the next three years of my life whenever I bought groceries.

Later on, when I became older and braver, I would walk to Kroger as a car–less college freshman with several friends, casually chatting about class or playing Pokemon Go along the way. And lo, Dean would still be there when I arrived, smiling at me through the dark of late August.



  1. Who better than Dino to welcome all who enter?! Hey there, pal o mine, DMP...I also loves how youse never know where, when, or how our pallie will show up next! The mysteries of Dean!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, bein' welcomed into our Dino's world and stickin' close to our King of Cool is every Dino-philes deepest of deep Dino-desire! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
