Monday, September 23, 2019

It has been a pleasant evening listening to music by Dean Martin …

Image result for dean martin singing gifs

Hey pallies, likes youse never ever know what delightful Dino-note that our pallies at google Dino-'lerts will serve up next.  Likes just yester-Dino-day we have a touchin' 'n tender tribute to our most beloved Dino by Mr. 'Big Chuck' D'Imperio of Oneonta, New York who opined 'bout the fact at he still missed our Dino's weekly small screen appearance...this pallie's fav show of all time.  And, likes today we meet up with a featured writer for " - The Internet Voice of the Verde Valley and Sedona who musta be the deepest of deep digger of our Dino's coolest of cool croonin'.

This Dino-devotte's name is Mr. Ted Grussing (pictured on the right) and his bio tells us that he is indeed a remarkable renaissance man not unlike our Dino. Grussing has been "an attorney, photographer, business owner, custom gem cutter and jewelry designer, author, public speaker, soaring pilot and full time caregiver for my wife Corky who had MS for forty-seven years before she passed in November 2013."

Likes Ted column for "" is tagged "Today’s Photo from Ted Grussing Photography" and in a recent post tagged "Tolerance" he shared a photo of a "tolerant" cat and shares noteworthy news of his life and times includin' this Dino-note..."It has been a pleasant evening listening to music by Dean Martin …"  Oh, how we largely loves it when a pallie proudly proclaims their pure passion for our Dino in the midst of their other thoughts."   It beautifully brings us such Dino-happiness to learn of yet another pallie who continue to receive perfect pleasure from our one and only Dino and shares it so profoundly publicly!  We sweetly salute Mr. Ted Grussing for lovin'ly liftin' up our Dino in this wonderful way and thanks the pallies at "" for spreadin' it all over the 'net.  To checks this out in it's original format, to see the cat photo, and to learn 'bout all that Grussing has been up to, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Today’s Photo from Ted Grussing Photography: Tolerance

By Ted Grussing

It has been a pleasant evening listening to music by Dean Martin …


  1. My kinda guy! And I can TOTALLY relate!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse knows it...nothin' better then bein' in the company of our most most most beloved Dino. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!
