Thursday, August 01, 2019

In his grief over his co-stars murder, Dean Martin refused to ever play Matt Helm again.

Hey pallies, likes amazin' ancillary posts to reviews of  the release of  Mr. Quentin Tarantino’s "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" are flowin' into our email box through the efficient efforts of google's Dino-'lerts addin' more 'n more fantastic fuel to incredibly ignite and fan the flames of delectable Dino-devotion bringin' more 'n more pallies into the Dino-fold.

Likes today we are totally totally thrilled to share part of swank Sharon Tate remembrance which also highly highlights our most most beloved Dino.  From the potent pen of Mr. Wess Haubrich (pictured on the left), who is a staff scriber for the online presence of "CITIZEN TRUTH -  'NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE.'"   This news source describes itself as "an independent and alternative media organization dedicated to finding the truth, ending the left-right paradigm and widening the scope of viewpoints represented in media and our daily conversations."

Mr. Haubrich as entitled his reflection on the life and work of Miss Tate, "Remembering Sharon Tate," and includes "her real contributions to American cinema."  Likes, of course, Tate's primo role was starrin' with our Dino in Helmer numero quartre, "The Wrecking Crew," which is front and center in Tarantino's last big screen effort.

Below are Wess' touchin' 'n tender thoughts on WC, and include the often told story of our Dino's refusal to go  before the cameras for the scheduled fifth film in the Matt Helm franchise, "The Ravagers" 'cause as Haubrich relates it, "  In his grief over his co-stars murder, Dean Martin refused to ever play Matt Helm again."  Likes how wondrously wonderful after 51 years since "The Wrecking Crew" was released and nearly 25 years since our Dino departed our planet, to sill hear the reverent reason why our Dino stopped by swingin' spyter Matt Helm...his great genuine grief over Miss Tate's untimely murder.

We offer great gratitude to Mr. Wess Haubrich for once 'gain retellin' this powerful portion of the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino and to the pallies at "CITIZEN TRUTH" for sharin' with the larger Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original source and to read Mr. Haubrich's wonderful words in
total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Remembering Sharon Tate

Wess Haubrich July 29, 2019

The Wrecking Crew (1968)
Sharon Tate and Dean Martin in 1968's

Sharon Tate and Dean Martin in 1968’s “The Wrecking Crew”.

Phil Karlson (who would direct the original Walking Tall with Joe Don Baker in 1973) directed this send-up of spy movies with Dean Martin in the lead role of Matt Helm (this movie is part of the Matt Helm series which includes: 1966’s The Silencers and Murderers’ Row, and 1967’s The Ambushers, all starring Dean Martin) and Tate playing a woman who is supposed to help Martin’s character in his nebulous quest that involves a lot of stolen gold (story really becomes irrelevant in film’s like The Wrecking Crew) but causes more issues for him.

While Bruce Lee (played by Mike Moh in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) was the martial arts advisor to this film, and none other than Chuck Norris makes his screen debut here as an extra, what is most remarkable about The Wrecking Crew is Dean Martin’s behavior after its release. The film didn’t come out until about six months after Tate’s murder. By then, plans for the next entry in the Matt Helm series (titled “The Ravagers”) were already in place. In his grief over his co-stars murder, Dean Martin refused to ever play Matt Helm again. This combined with a poor box office showing killed the franchise.

The Wrecking Crew now is an exceedingly hard film to find. The only version I was able to dig up was a physical copy on Amazon costing (get this): $149.99.


  1. Dino was a true blue friend, pals. He shared the same kind of fondness for Marilyn Monroe, I think. Also showed the same type loyalty to her when she had issues while filming "Something's Got to Give".

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our Dino's devotion to those he held close to his heart is just one of the wonderful ways that we as devotees of our Dino are called to follow in his footsteps.
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!

  3. I've always thought that Dean's and Sharon's friendship was very strong. Almost boyfriend/girlfriend like. You look at pics of them on and off the set of the movie and you can see they were both crazy about each other. Dean's marriage to Jeannie was coming to an end and Frank had married a much younger Mia. Maybe the ole midlife crisis was starting to kick in. I know Sharon was married too but again you look at the pics of the both of them together and in my humble opinion our Dino was smitten with Miss Tate and she with him. He must of been absolutely crushed when he heard the news of her fate that horrible day.

    Google image search:

  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley we remember that our Danny-o once posted some Dino-patter that was very much in line with your Dino-thoughts. We, too woulda completely concur with observations that "our Dino was smitten with Miss Tate and she with him." Thanks also for the link to all those potent pixs of our most beloved Dino and the lovely Miss Sharon Tate.
    Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
