Friday, August 02, 2019

He saw Dean Martin as a career lodestar.

Image result for dean martin las vegas

some text
Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up once 'gain how much we are deeply deeply delighted to find the name of our most beloved Dino bein' supremely spoken of in likes a total ton of delightfully different spaces for delightfully different reasons.  Recently our pallies at google Dino-'lerts sent us way of the world wide web pad of the "Arkansas Democrat-Gazette," the swankly significant rag in Arkansas that is published in Little Rock, where Mr. Philip Martin (pictured on the left) serves as MovieStyle Editor/Columnist.

 In Martin's July 28 prose tagged "ON BOOKS: Elvis Presley was caught in a trap .... and he stayed," he views the new Elvis tome, "ELVIS IN VEGAS - HOW THE KING REINVENTED THE LAS VEGAS SHOW" by author Mr. Richard Zoglin.  Likes Dino-philes know that our most beloved Dino was a huge hero to Elvis and that the King of Rock and Roll was the one to crown our Dino as the King of Cool.

So, likes it comes as no surprise that the name of our Dino gets delightfully dropped in Martin's review and we largely loves how Phillip describes Presley's deeper then deep Dino-adulation....." He
(Elvis) saw Dean Martin as a career lodestar."  We also gotta 'fess up that we couldn't define the term "lodestar," so we looked up the def and it stunnin'ly sez,  "a star that leads or guides; especially : the North Star."   Indeed our one and only Dino was Mr. Elvis Presley's  guidin' start and we totally totally thrills to see that Dino-truth stated in public print!!!!!

We thanks Mr. Phillip Martin for reviewin' this new volume on Mr. Presley and for sharin' Elvis' powerful passion for our most beloved Dino.  Thanks also to the "Arkansas Democrat-Gazette" for seein' to goes into print for Dino-holics likes all us to remarkably revel in!  To checks this out in it's original source and to read the review in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

ON BOOKS: Elvis Presley was caught in a trap .... and he stayed

by Philip Martin | July 28, 2019


People should remember that Elvis Presley didn't have a playbook.

No one suspected in the beginning that a career in rock 'n' roll would be sustainable. It was more likely a greasy kid stuff fad and its purveyors would be back pumping gas and driving trucks within a year or two.

Presley didn't think of himself as an artist. He was an entertainer. He dyed his sandy hair black because he believed dark-haired movie stars had more longevity. He saw Dean Martin as a career lodestar.


  1. Very cool to see this printed , once 'gain. I give Elvis mucho praise for bein' honest 'bout who he admired as well as who he tried to emulate. 2 legends who will NEVER go out of style.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes youse, we never ever tire of hearin' how deeply truly Mr. Presley was in absolute awe of our most most beloved Dino. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our incredibly inspirin' DINO!
