Monday, August 26, 2019

Dean Martin In Stained Glass by Robert Margetts

Robert Margetts - Artist
Hey pallies, likes when we have a few we loves to search the highways and byways of the ol' world wide web in search of delightful Dino-devotion.  We likes simply to put the name of our most beloved Dino 'long with  a word or two of description into the google search engine and see what turns up.  Recently we typed Dean Martin and the word stained (as in stained glass) to explore if perhaps some artistic Dino-devotee may have used their cool creativity to homage our Dino in stained glass.

Our pallies at google lead us to the art pad tagged "fineartamerica" where awesome artist Mr.Robert Margetts'  (pictured on the left) awesome art entitled "Dean Martin In Stained Glass."  Margretts' calls Lacy Lakeview, Tx home and his bio tells us in part that "one day about 10 years ago I decided to experiment with woodworking and it eventually led into some painting."  His Dino-impression tagged "Dean Martin  In Stained Glass" shared below was done with  "Acrylic On Canvas."

We thank Mr. Robert Margetts for incredibly imagin' our one and only Dino with this stained glass effect.  To checks this out in it's original source and to purchase this Dino-art in a variety of formats, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  We also discovered that Margetts has several other Dino-paintings that we will be featurin' in the Dino-days 'head.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin In Stained Glass
Just another image of Dean Martin 
by Robert Margetts

Famous Singers Painting - Dean Martin In Stained Glass by Robert Margetts

Dean Martin In Stained Glass is a painting by Robert Margetts which was uploaded on October 26th, 2014.


  1. It always wonderful to see Dean Martin still inspiring people and what better way than with an artistic painting of the main man himself. A wonderful find and post DMP!

    Have a great week.


  2. Very cool! Imagine a church with ALL Dino stained glass?! Man o man...I'd be there EVERY Sunday! Haha!!

  3. Wow! What a creative piece of Dino art!
