Sunday, August 25, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Once In A While"

Well hey there, pallies!

 Looks like the smolderin' Summer heat is lettin' up!

August is windin' down...& dare I say it...Fall is slowly creepin' on in.

Now, tell me pals...what's a TRUE, TRUE Dino-holic s'posed to do...with what's left of a Cool Cool Summer?!
Well...what else, mi amici?!

Keep the Dino-ball rollin' with nother hot & sultry SWOON by the One & ONLY King of CROON!


That's what!
 Haha!! it the King of Cool?

Oh Well...either way pals...this week's Serenade, "Once In A While",  is nother' one of those great, great Summertime tunes...that REALLY heats thins' up & at the same time is sure to calm & relax your very soul!

I just am So So sure...that it set the mood on many a moonlit,  balmy night, in good ol' Stu'ville...for many young lovers!

I can picture a young...suave...Dino Crocetti serenadin' some lucky young chicalina with this very tune!

 Now listen pals...Dean ain't askin' for much here.

Just a quick thought every now & then.

 I guess, pals...we all would like to think...that a once special someone thinks 'bout us...every now & then.

Maybe pals...just maybe...there's someone out there that you haven't seen in a while...and maybe...just maybe...THAT somebody might be worth a quick well.

At least...once in a while.



  1. The hot days of August are nearly over but summer is still here and you can bet that there will still be plenty of hot days still to come. It's been a great summer so far and what better way to keep things sizzling than with a Dean Martin tune. And as always DMP you managed a home run with such a wonderful selection. Thank you for your hard work my friend.

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks once 'gain for helpin' all us Dino-philes keeps our thoughts always 'n ever Dino-focused! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our every thought provokin' DINO!
