Monday, May 20, 2019

Dean Martin Oddities - The Pickwick Albums by Gio Orlando

Image result for dean martin deluxe

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that this very Dino-day we are likes head over heels fully full of Dino-happiness 'cause of two different Dino-discoveries!  Likes first, we have found a new swank source for Dino-happenin's and from the source we can't wait to share with all youse Dino-philes yet 'nother of today's youth who appears absolutely awesomely supremely sold out to our most most most beloved Dino!

First the new-to-ilovedinomartin Dino-resource is the reddit Dino-pad found HERE.  Likes it's fantastically full of all sorts of Dino-devotion...incredible images, vibrant vids, pallies sharin' their Dino-desires...we simply  can't wait to hang out here and find tons of deeper then deep Dino-adulation to pass on to all youse Dino-holics.

Second, we wanna introduce you to a youthful nouveau hipster who has obviously been wonderfully warmly welcomed into our Dino's world.  Pictured 'bove  on the left is Mr. Gio Orlando whose Instagram pad is located  HERE, where Gio, who clearly is a remarkable renaissance man likes our Dino,  describes himself with these words..."Actor, writer, director, actor, filmmaker, movie buff, musician, probably a mobster, geek, collector, class clown, and a sometimes critic."  We also found Orlando makin' the scene on Facebook at his home pad HERE where he has proudly publicly proclaimed that our most beloved Dino is his main music man!

Likes it was our first visit to the Dino-page on reddit where we came 'cross a youtube vid that Gio created tagged "Dean Martin Oddities - The Pickwick Albums," where young Orlando gives us the super superb scoop on the Dino-albums, "Dean Martin You Were Made For Love" and "Dean Martin Deluxe."  While playin' croons from both amazin' al-b-ums, Gio speaks viral volumes of incredible insights on how ubber unique these two Dino-LPs are.  This delightful Deanager is clearly in the Dino-know as he shares the research that he has done on the tunes contained on each.

We are powerfully, perfectly pleased to have made the awesome acquaintance of both the Dino reddit pad as well as Deanager Gio Orlando.  We sez our thanks to both the pallies at Dino-reddit and Mr. Gio Orlando for their cool contributions to helpin' the Dino-light glow ever ever Dino-brighter and brighter!  To checks out Gio's youtube vid shared here, simply clicks on the tag of this particular Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Oddities - The Pickwick Albums

Gio Orlando

Published on Nov 22, 2018

I thought I ought to do a video on these strange Dean Martin records I own on the Pickwick label.


  1. Very nice find and post DMP. It is always a pleasure to see and read about people who follow the teachings of Dean Martin. You just never know what new treasure will be rite around the corner!

    Have a nice week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks ever so Dino-much for you absolute appreciato for this Deanager's Dino-delight! Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. I have the Dean Martin Deluxe album. Purchased brand new in mid 1970's at one of the record stores here in town back then. Wore the needle of the record player I played it so much the first month I owned it. I've often thought all these old records I have of Dean would look good framed on a wall in my home office. Funny you get use to hearing songs in a certain order. Even today if I put these songs from this album(although they are now from different cd collections)on my ipod or mp3 player they have to go on it in the order they are on this album.

  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley we are always always deeply delighted to have you share potent personal marvelous memories of your deep deep devotion to our most beloved Dino. Keeps lovin' our marvelous majestic magical DINO!
