Sunday, May 19, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Mam'selle"

Man o man, THIS is Spring!

What a simply BEA U TI FUL mornin', mi amici.

Sunny sky & a soft, cool cool breeze flowin' through my window.
 I actually have my window open!

Cants' get me 'nough quiet & peaceful moments like this, pals.

 Life is usually pretty hectic for Danny G.
 All of us, I'm sure.

These couple hours I gets to grab...every now & then...are EXACTLY what the doctor ordered!

Early mornin'.
 Everyone's asleep.
All but Dean & me, that is.

We all need some "chill out" time, my friends.
 Keeps us sane!
 Haha!! one knew this better than our numero uno paisano, Dino!

Whether he was smackin' 'round a few golf balls...enjoyin' some “pasta fazool” with a special friend...or just relaxin' at home watchin' a western...Dean knew how to chill! 

Well, ol' pallies o' mine...we is SO SO fortunato...that Dino has laid the blueprints for us, to do the same exact chillin'!
Yes mam!

 Let me gives youse just one little example, pals.

 I'm jumpin' back to Dean's "French Style" vinyl grab us a wee bit o' "Mam'selle" , for today's O So Soothin' Serenade.

 Now, mi warned...this tune is SO SO mellow...& SO SO smooth...youse may find yourself dazin' off into a dreamy state of TOTAL calmness, that won't be easy to shake!

Just tell your family & & & parakeet..."Don't worry, pallies...I'm just chillin' with Dino & I'll catch youse later".

 Yea, my friends...this is serious tranquility here.

OK...let's do this.

Go grab a drink or a smoke...if that's your thin'.

 Find a quiet space & settle in.

We is goin' on a little journey with Dean.

 Youse may wanna put this one on repeat, pallies.

 Ahhhhhhhh...soak it in, my friends.



  1. I am glad to hear that spring is in full swing up in New England Danny G.! There is nothing better than that except maybe a sweet sounding tune from Dean Martin. A wonderful selection this week my friend, and as you said put it on repeat!

    Have a great week.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse speaketh the Dino-truth...this Dino-croon is so so "soothin'" and so so "smooth"....totally totally Dino-dreamin'! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  4. Glad youse dug the Dino-jam, pals o mine!
