Friday, September 07, 2018

I have dreamed most often of being Dean Martin, incarnation of virile melancholy, with ouisquie, cigarettes, little grandfatheries, impeccably tailored suits and voices......

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Hey pallies, likes welcome back for Day two of deepest of deep devotion to our Dino from Frenchman Mr.  Jérôme Leroy, who holds forth at his blog  "Feu sur le quartier général! L'élégance, la science, la violence! (Rimbaud)," translated into English at "Fire on the headquarters! Elegance, science, violence! (Rimbaud)."  Likes today's mighty marvelous message from Mr. Leroy is a post tagged "For gender studies and first appeared at his pad on 15th December 2016.

Likes who among us Dino-holics who deeply digs our Dino hasn't 'fessed up that we wanna be DINO!  And, that is what marvelously moves our Dino-hearts this Dino-day to hear Jérôme's personal powerful profession, "I have dreamed most often of being Dean Martin, incarnation of virile melancholy, with ouisquie, cigarettes, little grandfatheries, impeccably tailored suits and voices."

To intensely illustrate Mr. Leroy's Dino-desire he shares a coolly classic vid clip of our most beloved Dino croonin' his supreme signature song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes."  Once 'gain we offer keen kudos to Mr.  Jérôme Leroy for his terrific testimony of his personal desire to be DINO!  Checked back tomorrow for yet a third helpin' of Dino-delight from Mr. Leroy.  As usual, to checks this post out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

For gender studies

In solidarity with the inquisitive minds and those who engage in repeated attacks on gender studies (and who are as stupid as the climatosceptics, by the way, it is often the same, there is no chance ), I would like to point out to our kind readers that if I have dreamed most often of being Dean Martin, incarnation of virile melancholy, with ouisquie, cigarettes, little grandfatheries, impeccably tailored suits and voices to fall like here:

Pour les études de genre

Par solidarité avec les esprits curieux et contre ceux qui se livrent à des attaques réitérées contre les études de genre (et qui sont aussi abrutis que les climatosceptiques, d'ailleurs, c'est souvent les mêmes,  il n'y a pas de hasard), je tiens à préciser auprès de nos aimables lecteurs que si j'ai le plus souvent rêvé d'être Dean Martin, incarnation de la mélancolie virile, avec ouisquie, cigarettes, petites pépées, costards impeccablement taillés et voix à tomber comme ici:

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