Thursday, September 06, 2018

Dean Martin was a true menefreghista.

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Hey pallies, likes today we begins a three day series of Dino-grams that originated at the bodacious blog, "Feu sur le quartier général! L'élégance, la science, la violence! (Rimbaud)," translated into English at "Fire on the headquarters! Elegance, science, violence! (Rimbaud)."

French man, Mr.  Jérôme Leroy holds forth there, and likes this Dino-day we share with all youse Dino-holics his 11th October 2009 awesome adulation of our Dino that's powerfully, potently provocatively tagged "Menefreghista, communism and mint julep."  Likes youse guessed it pallies, we discovered this honey of a homage to our Dino by puttin' the tags of our Dino and the term menefreghista once 'gain in the ol' google search engine.

Likes we gets so so perfectly psyched to finds pallies all over the Dino-universe liftin' up the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino in these wonderful ways.  We gotta 'fess up that the original Dino-croon shared by Mr. Leroy was no longer at his pad, and we have no idear which one Jérôme  had originally shared.  We have chosen to share the live vid clip of our Dino with omni-present Kent cigarette and drink in hand swankly singin' his profound parody "When You're Drinking" from Dino's remarkable recorded concert in 1983 in London's Apollo Victoria Theater.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Jérôme Leroy  and thanks him very very much for showin' his Dino-adulation in this particular post.  Know that at least two more Dino-grams will be comin'  youse way from Mr. Leroy here at our humble little ilovedinomartin blog in the next couple of Dino-days!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Menefreghista, communism and mint julep

In Italian, menefreghista is
the equivalent of the dilettante, the guy in the run, who has nothing to plug. Dean Martin was a true menefreghista. We can read or reread Nick Tosches' excellent biography, Dino (Rivages), on this subject.
And his elegance is good, his absolute lack of seriousness, his sense of self-deprecation and his deliciously exaggerated taste for bourbon. At a time when the neo-Puritans of all stripes are raging in the most irrational hatred of pleasure and art, we recall here our profession of faith (e) to the "revolutionary" water-drinkers and cold piss of the ethnodifferentialist inflator: communism will be seaside, sexy and poetic or will not be.
In the meantime, we listen to Dean Martin singing and drinking at once. Me do not frego, me too Dino!

En italien, menefreghista est
l'équivalent du dilettante, du gars à la coule, qui n'en a rien à fiche. Dean Martin était un vrai menefreghista. On pourra lire ou relire l'excellente biographie de Nick Tosches, Dino (Rivages), à ce sujet.
Et son élégance fait du bien, son manque absolu de sérieux, son sens de l'autodérision et son goût délicieusement exagéré pour le bourbon. A l'heure où les néo-puritains de tous bords sévissent dans la haine la plus irrationnelle du plaisir et de l'art, nous rappelons ici notre profession de foi(e) aux buveurs d'eau "révolutionnaires" et pisse froid de la gonflette ethnodifférentialiste: le communisme sera balnéaire, sexy et poétique ou ne sera pas.
En attendant, on écoute Dean Martin qui chante et picole à la fois. Me ne frego, moi aussi Dino!


  1. Hey man...Mr.Leroy seems to be one of us! A TRUE Dino-holic! Loses a wee bit in translation...but we dig! I'm interested to see what else he has to say 'bout our guy.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o if youse have any doubts of Leroy's awesome adulation of our Dino, just wait for tomorrow's Dino-postin'! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous magnificent DINO!
