Monday, September 10, 2018

He has always been a big fan of Dean Martin and my mother complained bitterly about it.

Olushola Ricketts's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses
Hey pallies, likes wonderful words filled with  more and more incredibly invitin' international devotion to our Dino continue to reach us here at our humble ilovedinomartin conclave.  Today through the help of of a Dino-'lert from our pallies at google we takes all of youse Dino-philes to the continent of Africa, Nigeria to be precise and the online presence of "PUNCH" which is the most widely read newspaper in Nigeria.  Recently a staff member of "PUNCH," Olushola Ricketts, (pictured on right)  interviewed Mr. Jared Murray-Bruce 'bout his father Mr.  Ben Murray-Bruce, a Nigerian business magnate, and self-styled ‘common-sense revolution’ senator in Nigeria.

Likes the post tagged  "Dad is hard to change once he makes up his mind — Murray-Bruce’s son" is an extremely engagin' read, and of course we were totally totally thrilled to read of Mr. Murray-Bruce's delight in our Dino, even though as the well written words point out that his wife "complained bitterly about it."  We never ever tire of learnin' of yet 'nother who is devoted to our Dino, and when it is someone of 'nother culture and wonderfully well respected in their own right, it makes it all the more cooler then cool!

We thanks Mr. Olushola Ricketts for conductin'  and scribin' this interview, and for Mr. Jared
Murray-Bruce for sharin' his potent perspectives on this father.  To checks this out in it's original source, and to read it in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dad is hard to change once he makes up his mind — Murray-Bruce’s son

Published September 9, 2018

Jared is one of the children of self-styled ‘common-sense revolution’ senator, Ben Murray-Bruce. He talks about his father with OLUSHOLA RICKETTS

How would you describe your father?

He is a very peculiar man. He is highly driven and he takes his work very seriously. Growing up with him, I got to see the fun part of my father and how he relaxes. He has always been a big fan of Dean Martin and my mother complained bitterly about it. Early in the morning, while growing up, my father would play Dean Martin’s song even when we were yet to wake up fully.


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes what sorta Dino-holic ain't? Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty magnificent marvelous DINO!
