Sunday, September 09, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "You Were Made For Love"


Tiny bit chilly this mornin'! 

Welcome back, my friends!

 How's September treatin' youse so far? 

Not so bad, here in my part of the world. 

Nippy air is creepin' in, I guess!

 I don't mind so much though, mi amici.
 Fall is a GREAT season too!

 I just LOVE the spooky vibe, floatin' 'round, from now 'til Halloween! 

The weather is still comfy & a break from the heat isn't so bad either. that I thinks 'bout it, pals... I actually REALLY DIG this time of year!
 Not to mention...tomorrow marks the birthday of 'NOTHER VERY VERY special friend o' mine...who just so happens to be a GIGANTIC Dino-holic!

 That gives me a SWINGIN' idea, pallies!
 I is gonna send this week's Serenade out to my friend & let her know just how SPECIAL she is! 

Seems that birthdays kinda get her feelin' a wee bit blue.

 She DEF I NATE LY has NUTHIN' to worry 'bout, though pals. 
She's a GREAT GREAT lady & STILL has ALL the wolves howlin'! 
If youse knows what I mean.

 Thinks she just needs a little Dino-croonin' to lift her spirits. 

 Now let me see...hmmmm.
 What tune sums her up?

 Got it! 

A touch of Dean's "You Were Made For Love", should get her smilin'!
 DEF I NATE LY get's me smilin', pallies!

So, this one's for you...birthday girl!

 Enjoy your day & enjoy the Dino-jam... goin' out just for you!  

Ciao bella!


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, how grand of youse to salute a Dino-devoted pallie of yours on their date of birth with such a delightful Dino-croon! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  2. Almost like clockwork as soon as Labor Day comes and goes you can feel fall starting to find its way in. Not to worry though, I am sure there are plenty more warm days waiting in the wings. And speaking of a warm song, a wonderful selection this week Danny G., and as an equally nice gesture, a birthday dedication as well. I am sure it will be appreciated.

    Have a great week.


  3. Thanks pals! She loved it! NO ONE better than our Dino to help us keep a fun & optimistic mindset! Life is good!
