Saturday, August 04, 2018

Tomorrow In Dino-history: August 5, 1982

Hey pallies, likes we deeply delights in sharin' all these mighty moments in the life and times of our one and only Dino, and as we recently discovered tomorrow, August 5, 1982 was 'nother memorable moment in the Dino-story.  Likes a few 'go while searchin' youtube for Dino-adulation we happened 'pon the vid shared below by a pallie who tags themself "2packs4sure.  The vid was produced by ABC Evening News 4 Beverly Hills and features reporter Mr. John Marshall.

As you will discover as you view this vid, it was on August 5, 1982 that our Dino found himself in the Beverly Hills Court House where he was accused of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit while driving his Rolls-Royce on Santa Monica Boulevard.  This short vids shows our Dino before the court as well as being interviewed after he had pleaded no contest to the charge.  This remarkable rare footage is incredibly intriguin' and provides interestin' insight into the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.  Likes we invite you to watch and listen for our Dino's teachin' on who he thinks ought to be able to carry a gun.

Of course the discoverin' of this virile vid makes us ever more eager to see what else is out there in youtube land to increase our Dino-knowledge and for our deeper Dino-edification.  Thanks to Mr. John Marshall and all the pallies that day of August 5, 1982 who made filmin' this Dino-moment for posterity.   Hats off to "2packs4sure" for gettin' this vid up at youtube.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin Interview Gun Charge ABC Evening News August 05 1982 Court Appearance


Dean Martin appearance in court for gun possession.

ABC Evening News segment Thursday August 05 1982 REPORTER John Marshall News 4 Beverly Hills

I'd bet money Dean NEVER said he considered people coming up to him in restaurants "life threatening".


  1. LOL! Haha!! Good ol’ Dean! “Only me”. Haha!! Great vid, pal! Thanks to you & Mr Marshall for bringin’ our way! Great Dino-nugget of info!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, these delightful Dino-moments captured on video tape and amazin'ly awe inspiritin' for Dino-holics everywhere! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Ole Dino saw a microphone, and all was good with the world once again.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, as always, an awesomely apt Dino-perspective! Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
