Sunday, August 05, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: Buttercup A Golden Hair"

Well, say there, pals! 

What it is! 

What it was! 

What it might have been!

Man...I thinks all this heat has finally gots to me!

 I've found myself babblin'...on & on...incoherently...all week! 

Maybe my brain is gettin' a wee bit toasted, pals! Haha!!
 Actually...pickeled would be more appropriate! 

OK...'nough foolishness.

 Let's talk a little bit 'bout what WAS & let's get to the Dino-tunes! 

Now, pallies...I simply HAD to use this week's COOL COOL Dino-jam for today's Serenade!

 It's been on my mind for a few weeks, now. 

Today, August 5th, marks the very unpleasant anniversary of the passin' of a very special lady...a very special girl-pallie of our Dino's.

 Marilyn Monroe. 

 It's been 56 years since she took her final bow. 

Shame, pals. 
Was a fun & talented young soul. 

But...I believe in celebratin' what WAS...rather than cryin' over what WASN'T. 

"Buttercup A Golden Hair" is set to her & our pals flick, that never came to be..."Something's Got to Give". 

It featured Dino alongside a very lovely & naked Marilyn! 

 Looks like it would have been a FUN FUN Dino-flick for sure! 

Such a shame it just wasn't meant to be, my friends.
 They both looked so good in this vid & youse could see the chemistry & friendship they shared. 

Bittersweet to watch, pallies. 

BUT...let's be thankful for what's we got, pals! 
A Great Great tune & vid that's PERFECTO for a Great Great Summer night!

 R.I.P MM.
 Hope your STILL bein' fresh!



  1. What a wonderful DM song and accompanying video, I don't remember hearing this before. It is hard to believe that it has been fifty six years since the passing of MM! This a wonderful way to remember her and it also included Dean who was a special friend to her as well. A wonderful posting Danny G!

    Try to stay cool my friend.

    Have a nice week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-0, thanks ever so Dino-much for searchin' 'n selected this Dino-gem for this anniversary edition of Miss Marilyn's passin' and a wonderful reminder of the remarkable relationship that our Dino had with Miss Marilyn and how he stood by her on this particular filmin' project. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our awesomely amazin' DINO!

  3. Thanks guys! Glad youse fellas dug the Dino! He was a friend to her when others turned their backs. Wasn't much anyone could do really. Destiny I guess. Sad.

  4. Great great tune! Top 20 Dino-tunes in my book baby!!

  5. Glad you dig as much as me, Eddie my bro!
