Friday, August 10, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: August 10, 1960

Country 92.9 CFCO - Mornings - Dave Palmer
Hey pallies, likes as we were doin' our almost daily search of Dino-delight, we just came 'cross the blog pad of "CFCO Country 92.9 FM" radio in Chatham-Kent ON where Mr. Dave Palmer does the mornin' gig with Miss Cheryl Johnstone.  Likes this station posts a daily page of intriguin' interestin' news and today Dave reported that it was on this day in the year of our Dino 1960 that that Rat Pack classic big screen romp, "Oceans 11" premiered.

Certainly it is the best known and probably the best loved of the Rat Pack flicks and Dino and his pallies certainly have a beautiful blast makin' it in our Dino's playground, 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.  Likes we just loves learnin' all these dates in the life and times of our Dino and we will do our best to commit this Dino-date to our memories.

Likes we thanks Mr. Dave Palmer and all the pallies at "CFCO Country 92.9 FM" in Canada for makin' this news known to the larger Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes, per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We are thrilled to be able to share a classic movie poster from "O11" as well as some incredible images and vid clips as well.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

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Image result for oceans 11 dean martin

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Image result for oceans 11 dean martin

57 years ago . . . In 1960, the original “Ocean’s Eleven” was released, starring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Angie Dickinson.


  1. Oh what a time what a movie!!

  2. Hey Ed...I’m with you , bro! Those DEF were the days! And that DEF was the best PACK flik!

  3. Hey pallies, likes Eddie-o 'n Danny-o, likes makes that three coolest of cool cheers for our mighty magnificant DINO in O11! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our deeply delightful Dino my Dino-bros!

  4. One of my favorite Dino films and a classic film starring the Rat Pack! Those were the days.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW "those days" as youse sez we IT....but since our most beloved Dino was, is, and will always be IT to all us Dino-holics..."those days" live on for Dino-ever!
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our awesomely amazin' DINO!
