Friday, August 10, 2018

Ed's Epistle: BBC Radio "Double Acts"

Hey Pallies!! Once again I'm here at the place for all Dino all the time to share with the pallies another wonderful find!

Two days in a row this pal of yours couldn't stay away to share this Dino-bit!

Dizzy like a needle on Dino al-buum, I can't see straight any more, baby! What a great radio piece for the Martin & Lewis duo. Nice to see Dino keep getting the accolades well into the 21st century.

Sit back and enjoy 57 minutes of a wonderful BBC Radio documentary. But don't wait! You only have a few weeks to listen!


  1. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, likes man-o-man dude, likes 2 Dino-days in a row with absolutely awesome, deeply delightful Dino-treats. Youse is the Dino-man for sure! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  2. I’m on it, pal! Thanks ‘gain!
