Saturday, July 07, 2018

Martin and Lewis News Reels

Image result for Martin and Lewis news reels

Image result for Martin and Lewis news reels

Image result for dean martin & Jerry Lewis News Reels

Hey pallies, likes after yester-Dino-day's delightful Dino-gram from our newest youtube pallie "callmeshort09" we simply had to check out whether they had posted other veritable vids awesomely accentin' our most beloved Dino.  And, likes pallies our little bit of Dino-researchin' brought us marvelously more deeper then deep Dino-gold.

Likes today we are perfectly proud to share "callmeshort09's" virile vid tagged "Martin and Lewis News Reels."  the 'reels" include over 20----count 'em---20 minutes of magical moments with our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis.  As "callmeshort09's" description states, "This video is packed full of news reels promoting films and charity events throughout the Martin and Lewis partnership."

We ain't ever remembered seein' much of these awesome antics by our Dino and Jer.  There's golfin', prize fightin', and high divin'.....lots of incredible intriguin' wacky ways that our main man and his main partner promote the MDA association as well as a number of their big screen epics.  We can't wait to see what more delightful Dino-moments we will find captured on cool celluloid for Dino-posterity!!!!!  Hats off to "callmeshort09" for this op to return to the days when Dino walked the earth.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Martin and Lewis News Reels

This video is packed full of news reels promoting films and charity events throughout the Martin and Lewis partnership.


  1. Man, pal! Those was the days! What times they had! Gorgeous Piere! Hahaha!!! Good one! Thanks for sharin’ !

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, news reels likes this makes us wanna delve ever deeper into the profound partnership of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our main man, our marvelous DINO!
