Sunday, July 08, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: " Where Can I Go Without You"

Welcome back, mi amici! 

So VERY nice to see youse! 

So VERY nice see ALL Dean's pals cravin' more & more Summery croonin'.

 Truly gives me such a COOL COOL vibe sharin' these COOL COOL jams with my fellow Dino-holics. 
Week after week...month after month...& year after year! 

TRULY inspires me to keep the Dino-flow flowin' & keep the Dino-movement growin'! Haha!! 

Now, pallies...if youse been diggin' these Hot, Summertime tunes we been sharin', these last couple of weeks...then youse is gonna be TOTALLY Dino-delighted once 'gain! 

Can't seem to get away from these "slow & easy" kinda jams. 

They just fit the season, pals. 

Today's Serenade, "Where Can I Go Without You", was plucked from that AWESOME piece of Dino vinyl..."The Lush Years".

 Can't go wrong with ANY tune from this one, my friends! 

It's just pure Dino-perfection & is purely Dino-PERFECTO for these HOT HOT days & nights! 

Let's jump right into this one, pallies!

 Let Dean take youse on his eternal flight. 

Wunderin' & wonderin'...not sure what lies ahead...just floatin'. 

Grab hold of his star, pals! 
Shoot through the skies with Dino! 

It's a never endin' journey & we're ready for take off! 

We'll do it together!
 Us & Dino! 

Stop for a drink on any random cloud...then we is off 'gain!

 Hold on tight, we's go!


  1. The weeks are flying by now esp since the fourth of July has come and gone. These are the days to enjoy my friends because it won't be too far away that we will be complaining it is too cold, at least for the people up in New England. Anyways what a sweet sounding Dean Martin tune this is my friend, no better way to relax then a drink in one hand and with DM tunes. A home run as always Danny G.!

    Have a wonderful week my friend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks once 'gain man...'nother smoothest of smooth summery Dino-croon. And youse and we know that all true Dino-holics don't want to go anywhere with our DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  3. Glad youse enjoyed the Dino-croonin’, my friends! Dino...take us away!!!
