Saturday, June 30, 2018

Who influenced Dean Martin's personality, humor, and musical style?

Image result for Robert Frost, Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA
Hey pallies, likes we are awesomely amazed that more and more pallies wanna gets into the Dino-action here on the ol' world wide web and as we close out our celebration of the 101st  anniversary of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, June 7, 1917, the day that our most beloved Dino was born in Steubenville, Ohio, we takes all youse Dino-holics to a new-to-ilovedinomartin pad tagged "Quora", who bills itself as "a place to share knowledge and better understand the world."  It's a primo pad  where folks of all types and stripes, all ages and stages quire quintessential questions and
give awesome answers.

Likes while doin' a bit of Dino-searchin' usin' the google search engine, we found the Dino-quire below, "Who influenced Dean Martin's personality, humor, and musical style?" along with powerful pontification by a pallie tagged Mr. Robert Frost, who shares 'bout himself that he is an "Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA."

We were amazin'ly awestruck to have someone from NASA coolly chimin' in sharin' his delightful Dino-thoughts.  Likes we lets all youse Dino-philes to checks out what Mr. Frost swankly sez...and, likes as youse reads his Dino-reflections youse will see that Robert has a sense of humor not unlike our Dino...and it is clear that has keen knowledge of our King of Cool...and, likes, of course, we are perfectly psyched that Mr. Frost sends pallies to the Dino-bio of Dino-bios, none other that Mr. Nick Tosches, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."

Likes, hats off! to Mr. Robert Frost who his wise 'n wonderful answer that publicly shows his incredible interest in our one and only Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Who influenced Dean Martin's personality, humor, and musical style?

Robert Frost, Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA

Primarily two guys named Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.
Dean Martin said that his greatest influence came from Harry Mills of the Mills Brothers. It was one of his greatest joys to invite them to perform on his television variety show.

Al Jolson and Bing Crosby were also influences. Here’s Dean singing a Jolson medley with Bing.

Al Jolson and Bing Crosby were also influences. Here’s Dean singing a Jolson medley with Bing.

If you’d like to learn more about Dean Martin, besides watching the many great videos of him available on Youtube, I recommend the book Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams by Nick Tosches.


  1. Wise man, Mr Frost. Knows his Dino! Loves the booze references as Dino-inspirations Haha!! I definitely get the “Bing thing” in Deans early recordins’. Then he found his own wave & man o man...the world would never be the same!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for the patter...always of great Dino-encouragement to keeps the Dino-light glowin' ever ever Dino-brighter here at our humble little Dino-conclave! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
