Friday, June 29, 2018

.....he now sits at home watching old Pink Panther and Dean Martin movies.

Image result for dean martin matt helm

Janine Yaqoob
Hey pallies, likes it our supreme season of Dino-amore here at ilovedinomartin...our celebration of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth and we are  totally totally thrilled to share this very Dino-day noteworthy news of yet 'nother of today's enormous entertainers who has publicly professed his Dino-delight.  Likes our pallies at Google 'lerts have sent our way a primo postin' from the Brit blog "Mirror" awesomely accentin' Mr. Simon Cowell, swank star of the huge hit on British TV, "Britain's Got Talent."

Likes in an interview with "Mirror" correspondent Miss Janine Yaqoob 'bout the possibility of the show movin' from  ITV to the BBC, we learn as youse will read below that Cowell loves to watch "old Pink Panther and Dean Martin movies" at night at home.  How deeply delighted were are to learn that Simon delights in watchin' our most beloved Dino in his silver screen classics...likes, of course, it makes us wonder which of the Dino-flicks are Mr. Cowell's fav to view.

It wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts to learn yet of 'nother of the rich, famous, and talented entertainers of our time who digs our Dino and makes it known to the larger world.  We thanks Mr. Simon Cowell for sharin' his Dino-viewin' with Miss Janine Yaqoob and for her sharin' with the "Mirror" readership.  To checks this out in it's original source and read it in total, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for simon cowell

and take Britain's Got Talent to BBC

By Janine Yaqoob

Rather than late-night calls, he now sits at home watching old Pink Panther and Dean Martin movies.


  1. Hey pal...I knew I liked Simon for some reason! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we totally totally thrill to be able to add Simon's name to those deeply diggin' our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our main man DINO!
