Wednesday, June 06, 2018

RICHARD L. SYKES: "I remember when I first really started to love Dino....."

Image result for dean martin smoking gifs

Hey pallies, likes tomorrow is the 101 anniversary of our most most beloved Dino's descent to our planet and the world has never never been the same since that date, June 7, 1917.  Likes even 'though our Dino departed our planet on December 25, 1995 his life & legacy are still very much  with us and every single day tons of new pallies are wondrously welcomed to our Dino's world.   For a number of years now we have filled the pages of ilovedinomartin with story after story of how our Dino keeps tranformin' the ordinary lives of pallies likes us....never ever to be the same 'gain!

Likes today on this day before The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, we wanna once 'gain share the touchin' 'n tender testimony of one of today's young mods whose been turned on to our Dino and has been an exemplary example of transformin' power of our King of Cool.  This is a Dino-reflection that has been shared quite the number of times here at ilovedinomartin, but one that continues to be remarkably revelatory in the incredibly illlustratin' how more & more of today's nouveau hipsters are powerfully proclaimin' there awesome adulation of our Dino.

We first shared this delightfully deep Dino-testimonial in October of 2012 which we found at the personal blog site of Mr. Richard L. Sykes (pictured center 'bove), at the time a true Deanager, as it was swankly scribed while he was a first year collegiate.  This extraordinary essay is tagged "Dean 'Dino' Martin: The King of Cool, and as youse will read below, it is lovin'ly laddened with the purest of pure passion for our one and only Dino.  Likes, we deeply digs the way that Mr. Sykes so so openly & affirmatively shares how he first got into our Dino and how he sez, "I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber."

Likes in addition to  Sykes wonderfully wise words, we have also included Richard's primo patter back to us when we let him know that we had first shared his Dino-devotion with the remarkable  readership here at ilovedinomartin in the Fall of 2012.  We continue to loves re-postin' these sweet scribin's often 'round the anniversary of our Dino's birthday 'cause they remind all of us that the Dino-light keeps growin' & glowin' brighter and brighter with each new gen of Dino-adulators likes Mr. Richard L. Sykes.

Unfortunately we have not been able to keep up with Richard, but we trust his delight in our Dino continues to grow with each passin' day, and if by change Richard you happens 'pon this Dino-gram, we would loves to hears from you.  Thanks 'gain to Mr. Richard L. Sykes for his proud proclamation of Dino-amore, which you can checks out directly by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean “Dino” Martin: The King of Cool
Dean “Dino” Martin

I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist. He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived. Okay that might be opionated slightly but I think many would agree that Martin is a class act. I remember when I first really started to love Dino, it wasn’t even a year ago when I clicked on a video posted on my blog. The video was of the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin) playing at a gig with Ed Sulliven. The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine. I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber. There are just aren’t enough words to describe it.

richardlsykes says : 
Dino Martin Peters,
I truly appreciate your comments and your love for Dino. I am humbled by your page on my post and I am truly thank ful for your praise.
With much appreciation,


  1. Powerful praisin’ from a young Richard. I also am sure his Dino-devotion grows to this day!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, nouveau hipsters like Richard truly makes it clear that our Dino's lovin' legacy will live on and on and on! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
