Saturday, May 26, 2018

Dean Martin shows those characteristics for a hero, and I respect him for them.

Hey pallies, likes today we share a reverent reflection on our most beloved Dino from a amazin' educational site called "My Hero."  Accordin' to information contained on the site, "The MY HERO Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education organization that works to empower people of all ages to realize their own potential to create positive change in the world.   Since 1995 has provided millions of visitors a safe  online venue to discover and share essays, art, audio and films that celebrate heroes around the world. Our website features positive role models from diverse backgrounds who work for peace, human rights, and to protect the environment. MY HERO hosts a website, salons, festivals and media arts workshops to further our mission."

Likes today's Dino-post was placed on "My Hero" on April 7, 2007 and we just recently uncovered it when we placed the terms Dean Martin and Hero into the ol' Google search engine the praisin' prose below on our Dino is simply tagged "Dean Martin" and saw sweetly scribed by "Ashley from Ohio."  We find it super special that Miss Ashley hails from our Dino's home territory of Ohio.   From the style of the writin' and from what we have learned of this educational site, our guess is that Miss Ashley was in middle or high school when she probably wrote this for a class assignment on "My Hero."

While we are not sure that our Dino's family woulda been classified as "very poor," all the other major details of this short essay are right on the Dino-mark.  Miss Ashley most likely was a Deanager when this was written and we share it 'cause it is 'nother extraordinary example of 'nother of today's youth who awesome admiration and amazin' adulation of our one and only Dino.  Our hearts soar when we read Miss Ashley conclude her most Dino-honorin' prose with these wise words.......

"Heroes show loyal and bravery; they show perseverance and they also show dedication. Dean Martin showed all these characteristics when he came from a poor family and became a big singer and actor. Dedication was shown when he was young and loved to sing and listen to music, and pursued his life to be one. Dean Martin shows those characteristics for a hero, and I respect him for them."

We are totally totally thrilled to be sharin' such touchin' 'n tender thoughts from such a wise young woman!  Hats off to Miss Ashley wherever you are!  Our only sadness is that we didn't uncover your Dino-essay to now...but as the ol' sayin' goes, better late then never!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin
by Ashley from Ohio

<a href=>Dean Martin</a>

Dean Martin

Dean Martin was a singer and actor who was very poor and eventually made something big out of himself. Now Dean Martin is a legend for all the accomplishments he made.

During Dean Martin’s life he had some bumps in his road, on his way to stardom. Dean Martin was born on June 7, 1917 and died on December 25, 1995. He was born in Steubenville, Ohio just east of Canton and south of Cleveland and Youngstown. His father was Gaetano Crocetti, who was a barber, and his mother was Angela Barra Crocetti. During his childhood Dean Martin enjoyed listening to music and loved to sing. Sadly he grew up in a poor family and dropped out of school in his sophomore year. After he dropped out of high school, he worked as a filling-station attendant at a steel mill. This job seemed to bore him; he had no interest in that particular job. Later he got interested in pursuing Steubenville’s nightlife.

Later in his life, he began to start his career that he always wanted to do. Dean Martin first sang publicly in 1943, after his friends dared him to take the stage in Youngstown, Ohio. After that time he sang regularly at clubs and community centers, mostly in Steubenville and Youngstown, Ohio. His career hit it big in 1939 when he sang in a band led by Ernie McKay, and billed him as “Dino Martini” (after a popular singer named Nino Martini, for his romantic music). In 1940 he joined a popular band with Sammy Watkins, and Americanized his name to “Dean Martin” again.

Heroes show loyal and bravery; they show perseverance and they also show dedication. Dean Martin showed all these characteristics when he came from a poor family and became a big singer and actor. Dedication was shown when he was young and loved to sing and listen to music, and pursued his life to be one. Dean Martin shows those characteristics for a hero, and I respect him for them.

 Page created on 4/7/2007


  1. Our Dino was and is worthy of the moniker "hero"!

  2. Great job, Ashley! So totally Dino-coincidental that DMP posted this Dino-postin’ today! Youse’ll see what I mean in my Memorial Day Sunday Serenade, tomorrow. Hey, what can I say? ALL our Dino-minds think alike! Haha!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we knew youse woulda digs this particular Dino-devotion 'cause we were able to preview your swank Sunday Serenade as we posted this. Likes we likes to think that it was the transformin' power of our Dino that brought this Dino-synergy 'bout! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our main man DINO!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, then we are all in Dino-agreement! Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
