Sunday, May 27, 2018

Danny G's SPECIAL Memorial Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Love Me, Love Me"

Welcome, my friends! 

Happy Memorial Day weekend 2018!

 Man o man...can't believe 'nother year has come & gone since I was pickin' a GREAT GREAT Dino-jam for this VERY important holiday! 

Where do the days go, pals?! 

Hey, guess what? 
No biggie. 

We is just sailin' through this life with a song & a prayer, pallies.

 Singin' some Dino & prayin' for the best. 

That's all we really can do! 

Just do our best...appreciate EVERY day we is here & make SURE to 'member those who helped get us here! 

That's what this day is actually ALL 'bout, pals!

 'Memberin' those TRUE heroes who fought the good fight to preserve this GREAT GREAT country of ours! 

Past & present...we owe them a special prayer.

 It's ALSO a day to appreciate those PERSONAL heroes who make, or made, our lives better. 

Moms, Dads, family & friends...they too deserve some praise!

 After all, mi amici...MANY sacrifices have been made to help us gets where we is! 

I can thinks of MANY today, who help/helped me, in some way, live a better life!

 Now, pallies...who more than Dino...helps us on a day to day live a better life? 
Few, if any!

 It's true, my friends!

 A song from Dean gets my day started & keeps me sailin'... 'til my head hits the pillow 'gain!
 Yes, mam!

 He's the REAL deal, pals. 

One of my true heroes.

 Let this week's Serenade, "Love Me, Love Me", remind us ALL...that CERTAIN people...our REAL heroes... will love us & support us no matter how crazy we gets!

And though they may have come & gone...they will REALLY be with us ALWAYS! 

They need to be 'membered & honored, ALWAYS! 

We owe them a lot!

 Enjoy the day, mi amici!

 Have a fun & safe weekend & keep on sailin'!!!

Love me, love me
Love me with all your heart
Kiss me dear while I hold you tight
Make this evening a magic night
Love me, love me

Promise me we'll never part
You can make all my dreams come true
If you'll love me as I love you

Darling I love you, I love you
More than you ever could know
Daytimes I spent dreaming of you
Nightimes telling you so
Yours is the softness of spring to me
Your is the beauty of fall
Heaven is mine when you cling to me
You I adore overall

(Love me. love me)
(Love me with all your heart)
Kiss me dear while I hold you tight
I'll make this evening a magic night
(Love me, love me)
(Promise we'll never part)
You can make all my dreams come true
If you'll love me as I love you
If you'll love me as I love you
If you'll love me as I love you


  1. From the album "The Lost Years"?

  2. 'Memberin' those TRUE heroes who fought the good fight to preserve this GREAT GREAT country of ours!

    Our Dino supported the Troops.

    And, now in the 21st Century, his daughter Deanna regularly sings at concerts for American veterans. God bless her for that.

  3. It really is amazing the Memorial Day is here once again, and a what a wonderful post as always Danny G with our man Dean to lead the way! Even in the worst of times we all can be thankful for something or someone that has impacted out lives in a positive way not to mention all the men and woman who have kept us free. Thank you again for your hard work my friend.

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we largely loves readin' your Dino-testimonials..."A song from Dean gets my day started & keeps me sailin'... 'til my head hits the pillow 'gain!" Your devotion to our Dino is pure 'n true....and complete! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  5. Thanks, pals! Glad youse dug the Jam & my Dino-reflectin’! Not sure which Dino-Vinyl this great great tune hails from, Ms AOW. It has a bouncy Italian vibe to it. Maybe Dino’s “Italian Love Songs” al b um. I’ll get back to you.

  6. Ms AOW, the song is on Dino’s 1964 “Hey Brother Pour the Wine”, record. It may be on others as well. Ciao!

  7. Danny,
    Thanks for that information. A day after I left the comment in this thread, I thought that the tune might be from Hey Brother Pour the Wine.
