Sunday, May 13, 2018

Danny G's SPECIAL Mother's Day Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In the Misty Moonlight"

Welcome back, pals & pal-ettes!

Let's me start with a BIG BIG Dino-sized  "Happy Mother's Day"... to ALL the SWINGIN' chicalinas out there, & any Mama who's been a "mom" to someone or some-THIN' in some special way!

Man, what a mouthful!

Now, pals youse will notice...I've put "mom" in quotes & I've mentioned "someone or somethin".

Let's me explain.

To me...when I thinks' 'bout what a mother is...& exactly what it means...I realized it ISN'T an exact thin'.
It can take MANY MANY shapes & forms. 

A "mom" can be a Grandmother.
She can be an Aunt.
She can be a special friend who's  ALWAYS there when thins' get tough!

Just a VERY special lady who comforts you & let's you know you are TRULY loved & appreciated. 

Also...a woman can be a mom to her children...her nephew... her dog, cat, or even her parrot!

No matter the situation, mi amici...this is a VERY special bond & TODAY is a VERY special day!

 It gives us a chance to say "Thank you" to that GREAT GREAT lady...whose sacrifices are endless...that you call or called "Mom"!

Whether she is still with us or not... take a little time today to 'member who she is or was...& the patience, kindness & unconditional love that she gave.'s get to today's SPECIAL Sunday Serenade with Dino!!!

This is an EASY one, pals.

I've picked one of MY moms FAVE Dino-jams..."In the Misty Moonlight" share with ALL my pals!

I know...I know...I pick this one every year.


Hey...what can I say, pals...I'm a Mama's boy & I know she will DEF I NATE LY approve of this jam.
Hahaha!!!'s to Mama G. & ALL the "moms" out there!

Have a GREAT day, ladies!

Youse deserve it!

In the misty moonlight
By the flickerin' firelight
Any place is all right
Long as I'm with you
In a far away land
On a tropic sea sand
If your hand's in my hand
I won't be blue
Way up on a mountain
Way down in a valley
I know I'll be happy
Any place anywhere
I don't care
In the misty moonlight
By the flickerin' firelight
Any place is all right
Long as you are there


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes how powerfully proud your mama musta be that you are continuin' the Fam G Dino-legacy. How cool that you were directed in the Dino-way at a tender age by both your mama and daddy-o! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!

  2. A tradition that I will pass along to my wee ones, pal! Once the Dino-seed is takes root...and one blossoms! What seems to be old fashioned to today’s wee ones...will someday be the soundtracks to their past,present,& futures. Keep the Dino-vibe flowin’!

  3. What a wonderful mothers day posting Danny G., it has to be one of the best that I have ever read about the most important of important ladies, dear ole mom. And in honor of mom you also managed a wonderful Dean Martin tune, it really doesn't get any better then this posting! A wonderful tribute my friend, thank you.

    Have a great week.


  4. Pleasure is all mine, Scott my pal! Glad you enjoyed. Hope all is well, mi amico!

  5. This tune was my dearest aunt's favorite Dino tune. My dearest aunt was my "second mother."

  6. Hope itt brought a nice memory of your Aunt, Ms. AOW.
