Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ultimately his wife decided it should be named after her favorite Rat Pack singer, Dean Martin.

Image result for dean martin mod

Hey pallies, likes how do we love you Dino.....let us count the ways.  That's the thought that crossed our minds when our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search send us to the fantastic fashion blog, "Vintage Style FILES - Where nostalgia and fashion are always a passion."  When we lovin'ly landed there we delightfully discovered the post "The Marvelous Mod Prints of Mr. Dino Fashions" sweetly scribed by blog host Miss Theresa, who describes herself as  "an over 40 blogger, ex yacht chef and caterer turned vintage clothing seller who has one foot firmly planted in today with the other planted 'back in the day.'”

Miss Theresa's post features fashions by designer Mr. Max Cohen from Miami, Florida that we sold under the label "Mr. Dino Fashions.  Of course, youse have guessed it pallies, the "Mr Dino" lovin'ly refers to our most most beloved Dino!!!!! Likes below you will read a short excerpt from the post that excellently explains how Mr. Cohen got to name his funky fashion line after our Dino.

Likes pallies Mrs. Cohen "decided it should be named after her favorite Rat Pack singer, Dean Martin."  Not ain't that the coolest of cool ways to show love to our one and only Dino?!?!?!?!   Truly truly there are never endin' ways to express our awesome affection for our Dino and this is one of the most ultra ubber unique ways that we have ever read 'bout.  Our swingin' Dino bein' the incredible inspiration of a line of the moddest of mod female clothin' lines.

And, likes pallies as the years progressed, our Dino himself took to wearin' the moddest of mod fashions himself....makin' himself the swingin' hipster 'round.  We thanks Miss Theresa for makin' Mr. Dino Fashions the awesome accent of her recent vintage fashion post and thus lovin'ly liftin' up the name of our one, our only Dino.  To view an example of what the Mr. Dino Fashions look like and to read the post in total, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The Marvelous Mod Prints of Mr. Dino Fashions

By Theresa.

And one of the better known Miami labels was Mr. Dino, though it may not be familiar to many today.  Max Cohen was the founder of the company.  And when trying to come up with a name for his clothing line his family sat around the dinner table to brainstorm.  Ultimately his wife decided it should be named after her favorite Rat Pack singer, Dean Martin. And so in 1958 the Mr. Dino clothing line was born!


  1. Very cool, pal. Dean seems to pop up more & more every passin’ Dino-year! And I, for one, am LOVIN’ it! Fun post!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse and we both dude! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Yet another way to pay homage to our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, indeed ma'am...'nother excellent example of the ultra ubber unendin' ways that followers of our Dino show him their deepest of deep devotion! Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
