Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dean Martin Footprint Ceremony At Grauman's

Hey pallies, likes several month's 'go as we were perusin' Dino-vids over at youtube, we felt lovin'ly led to this coolest of cool clip filmed at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on that day back in the year of our Dino 1964 when our most beloved Dino placed his hand prints and footprints in cement on March 21.

Likes we've been patiently waitin' to place this vid up here at ilovedinomartin 'round the date of this hugely historic day in the life and times of our Dino.  We are so absolutely awed to see our Dino do this delightful deed of incredible importance and see his deeply devoted family at his side to coolly celebrate the day with him.

And, we are majestically moved to hear the commentator on the vid state, "Martin, incidentally, has also been cited by the Los Angeles City Council for artistic integrity, talent, and moral concern in the motion picture industry.  We finds this incredibly intriguin' seein' how months' later on December 22, 1964 that "Kiss Me Stupid," our Dino's most controversial big screen epic, would premier in New York City.

Likes we thanks a pallie who tags themself "Donazify" for makin' this veritable vintage fantastic footage available for all Dino-hiles to reverently revel in.  In perusin' Donazify's other vid uploads we see a number that we will be delighted to supremely share on the pages of ilovedinomartin.

Dean Martin Footprint ceremony at Grauman's

March 21, 1964.


  1. OMG, pallies! That was F*#%in’ AWESOME!!! Pardon my French, as everyone except the French say, but...OMG! Never seen that! SoSo cool seein’ our pal & fam bein’ honored, admired & loved SoSo much by the masses! What a proud proud moment it must have been for our one & only Dino! A thousand “Thanks, pal” to our fearless leader, DMP, for bringin’ our way!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks for your awesome appreciato of this particular post. Truth be told pallie, we gotta 'fess up that we have a much difficult time keepin' from postin' this delightful Dino-gem before we did, at the appropriate time of Dino-history, 'cause it is beau-ti-fully breathtakin' for all the remarkable reasons youse has stated dude! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  3. Look how much our Dino respected and enjoyed his fans! A truly great star.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...we are marvelously moved by this historic footage that shows exactly what you have stated above. Keeps lovin' our awesomely amazin' DINO!
