Friday, February 09, 2018

The desire to belong was so strong that he changed his name to the less “Russian-sounding” name, “Dean Martin,” after the American actor, unbeknownst to his family.


Hey pallies, likes love for our Dino takes all kinds of sizes and shapes, all kinds of types and stripes and on this 9th day of our Dino-amore month celebration we are proudly pleased to share with you what we consider one of the ubber ultimate wondrous ways that anyone can personally express their deepest devotion to our most most beloved Dino.

Likes our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search sent us way of "THE MASSACHUSETTS DAILY COLLEGIAN" where  Collegian Correspondent Mr. Kyle Lai shares the incredibly intriguin' story of "Israeli actor and former soldier" Dean Miroshnikov discussin' his identity.  It's fascinatin' story that we won't go into details here, but you can read the whole story by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-gram and goes to it's original location.

What we must share is that sometime after the age of nine Mr. Miroshnikoy "immigrated with his mother to Israel" and as stated below, at some point,  he changed his name to, likes youse guessed it pallies...DEAN MARTIN.  He changed his name in order to hopefully get 'long better in his new homeland, but likes of all the names that Miroshnikoy coulda chosen to tag a tender age he chose to name himself after our one and only DINO!  And to this very day, while reclaimin' his family name, he still goes by the sir name Dean!

Likes how wonderful in this marvelous month that we awesomely accent as Dino-amore month here at our humble little Dino-pad, we are totally totally thrilled to share this story with all youse Dino-philes.  We thanks Mr. Dean Miroshnikov for sharin' his story, and for Mr. Kyle Lai scribin' it for print in "THE MASSACHUSETTS DAILY COLLEGIAN."

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for dean miroshnikov

Miroshnikov, then going by his birth name of Dimitri, found it immensely difficult to acclimate himself to Israeli society. The desire to belong was so strong that he changed his name to the less “Russian-sounding” name, “Dean Martin,” after the American actor, unbeknownst to his family.


  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, so so Dino-true. We are totally thrilled to find our way to this Dino-devotee and to tell his Dino-story! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
