Thursday, February 08, 2018

I was the only one he (our Dino) did that for.

Photo of Brock Radke
Hey pallies, likes of of the thin's that we loves, loves, loves to share here at our humble little Dino-pad is that awesomely amazin' amore that so so many of our most beloved Dino's peers in the world of entertainment have for our King of Cool.   Likes a number of times in the past we have been beautifully blessed to share  powerfully potent posts accentin' crooner Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck's  adoration for our Dino and we have yet 'nother op to do so this very Dino-day.

Likes our pallies at Twingly Advanced Search recently led us to some swank scribin's at the online presence of  the  "LAS VEGAS SUN," where Mr. Brock Radke recently interviewed Mr. Humperdinck 'cause he "is coming to get Las Vegas ready for Valentine’s Day, performing twice this weekend at the Orleans."  Below we share the part of this remarkable review that hugely highlights the lovin' role that our most beloved Dino played in gettin' Engelbert's career launched in our Dino's playground, 'Vegas, baby, 'Vegas."  As we sez it, we have shared this story likes a number of times before, 'cause Humperdinck continues to lift up his amazin' adulation and greatest of gratitude to him
for the help offered by our Dino.

To enhance this particular post, we are totally totally thrilled to offer not only a primo pix of this two lovin' friends, but also a couple of youtube vids as well.  Likes the first one was filmed lived a number of years 'go when Humperdinck was performin' and includes a clip when he appeared with our Dino on his show and the most amazin' tribute to our Dino that begins at 'bout 5:50 that begins with Engelbert's touchin' 'n tender testimony, "I just love that man. I love Dino." It continues with this superstar relatin' what has most recently appeared in the Sun article and concludes with this deeply devoted Dino-lover doin' an incredible imitation of our one and only Dino...done with the greatest of respect and love for our Dino.  The second vid is a fuller version of the visit that Humperdinck paid to the Dino-show.

Likes in this month of Dino-amore it truly warms our hearts this very Dino-day to once 'gain share the abidin' amore and awesome appreciato that Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck continues to have and to share with his audiences.  We thanks the pallies at the "LAS VEGAS SUN" and wonderful writer for interviewin' this legendary crooner.  To read the interview in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for dean martin engelbert humperdinck

You’ve been performing in Las Vegas since the late ’60s so you’ve seen a lot of change here over the years. I started in 1968 and it’s been a very eventful place for me, because I was taken there in the beginning. I was shown all the hotels to see which one I wanted to play, and I would up at the Riviera when Dean Martin was there [as an entertainer and with a minority ownership]. He took a big hand in it and I was the only one he did that for. I had a home in Las Vegas for about eight years, starting in 1978. It certainly has changed a lot because I remember a time when it took you five minutes to get across town. I also remember coming over for a month and doing 50 shows, two a night, and frequenting Lake Mead for water skiing and playing a lot of golf.


  1. Haha!! Great vid! Funny stuff! Englebert is cool guy to show his appreciation for our pal...even all these years later.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we gotta 'fess up that we were totally touched and marvelously moved by Englebert's deepest of deep devotion to our most most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
