Monday, February 12, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: February 12, 1956

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Hey pallies, likes we weren't plannin' for a second Dino-gram comin' your way on this 12th day of Dino-amore month, but likes while doin' our usual almost daily searchin' of Dino-gems usin' the wonderful "Twingly Advanced Blog Search," we were lovin'ly led to the all thin's musical blog "
nostos-music.blogspot" where we learned that it was on this 12 day of February in the year of our Dino 1956 that his huge huge hit "Memories Are Made Of This" made numero uno on the charts in the United Kingdom.

Likes it was just 9 days 'go that we shared HERE that this same cool croon hit #1 on the American it didn't take long for it to do the same across the seas.  Certainly this noteworthy news shows the awesome amore that pallies all 'round the globe had for our most beloved Dino then...and the wonderful news proclaimed daily here at ilovedinomartin is that they still do!!!!!

btw pallies, likes this is the second potent postin' we have shared from this Grecian blog hosted by Mr. Lefteris Kogalidis (Λευτερης Κογκαλιδης).  Likes it was less then a month 'go on January 23 that we shared Dino-centric love from  him  HERE.  And, in doin' a little researchin' we discovered that we have a draft of yet more Dino-devotion to gets up here at ilovedinomartin.  Kudos to Mr. Kogalidis for spreadin' the Dino-message to his Grecian pallies!
To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  And, likes, of course, we can't resist sharin' the same youtube vid and original sheet music Dino-image as well that was shared here on February 3.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


February 12th: On this Day
1956, Dean Martin was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Memories Are Made Of This'. The American actor, comedian, singer and TV hosts biggest hit.

Image result for dean martin memories are made of this

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