Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Dean Martin Sammy Davis Sinatra Bishop Sands 1960 Part 3

Hey pallies, likes as we were perusin' youtube followin' yesterday's perfect postin' of  " Dean Martin Sammy Davis Sinatra Bishop Sands 1960 Component 1 & 2" we discovered that 'nother pallie tagged Archilochus Lgn has swankly shared yet a third component of Rat Pack fun 'n frolic which we have shared below.

Likes we deeply deeply digs these historic hysterics....truly truly it's like havin' a front row seat in the casino watchin' this Pack of Rats havin' the bestest of best time makin' funny with each other with the audience eatin' it all up.

So, likes sits back and enjoy more Rat Pack awesome action direct from 1960 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas.  We are awesomely appreciate of Archilochus Lgn who has put these magic moments on youtube for Dino-philes 'cross the globe to relish.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

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