Monday, January 08, 2018

Dean Martin Sammy Davis Sinatra Bishop Sands 1960 Component 1 & 2

Hey pallies, likes the Dino-treats just gets sweeter 'n sweeter as the Dino-days goes by.  Today we are pleasantly pleased to takes all youse Dino-holics to the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog "" where swank scriber Miss Samantha Beckett shares a post tagged "10 Incredible Vintage Videos of Las Vegas Shows Through The Ages."  Likes of course any set of 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas vids woulda have to include our most most beloved Dino and his pallies tagged The Rat Pack.

Likes below is over 67---count 'em---67 marvelous minutes of fantastic footage live from 'Vegas of our Dino, Mr. Sinatra, Mr. Sammy Davis Jr., Mr. Peter Lawford, and Mr. Joey Bishop.  In listenin' to some of the potent patter between tunes, it is clear that this groovy gig was recorded while the Rat Pack was filmin' the big screen epic released in 1960,"Ocean's 11."

Our Dino enters the action at 'bout 23:30 with patter 'tween our Dino, Mr. Sinatra and Mr. Sammy Davis Jr.   Likes we ain't ever remember seein' these historic hysterics (and, of course mucho politically incorrect) before, let 'lone sharin' them with the wider Dino-world.  We sez our thanks your very much to Miss Samantha Beckett and all the pallies at "" and, of course, someone tagged Jitendra Bhojwani, who put this up at youtube.   To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

10 Incredible Vintage Videos of Las Vegas Shows Through The Ages

Written by Samantha Beckett on January 3, 2018


Las Vegas is renowned for being the self-proclaimed Entertainment Capital of the World. In 2017, the glitz, glamor and over-the-top hedonism found in Sin City cannot be matched anywhere else in the world but was it always like this?

The short answer is, yes – for the last 70 years at least. So, in honor of all the fun and frolics that have been had by Vegas visitors over the decades, let’s take a look at 10 vintage videos of Las Vegas shows from the 1950s right up to the 90s.

1960s: The Rat Pack

The Rat Pack need no introduction.
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop earned their nickname from the media after frequently meeting as friends at the home of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, before working with each other on stage and on the silver screen.
The group dominated Vegas in the 1960s with their high-energy shows that fully utilized the chemistry present between the iconic performers.


  1. GREAT stuff, pal! I could watch them all day. Thanks for sharin’!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as always you are most welcome...stay tuned tomorrow for more of this "GREAT stuff" of our Dino and his pallies! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Our society lost a treasure when the Rat Pack signed off.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW....true treasure indeed. Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
