Saturday, December 16, 2017

our other theme is A Dean Martin's Christmas (Dean died on Christmas day in 1995.)

Hey pallies, likes all youse Dino-philes can image just how mucho mucho often the name of our most beloved Dino is bein' lifted up at blog  pad after blog pad 'cause as all us Dino-holics knows nobody, and likes we mean nobody croons wintry tunes likes our King of Cool.  Likes if we were to tries and post every blogger who has included Dino-seasonal selections at their blogs we would be workin' 24 hours a day 'round the clock and we woulda never ever be able to share 'em all.

But, likes we recently came 'cross a supremely swank salute to our one and only Dino that we simply have to share with all youse deeply devoted pallies of Dino!  From the awesome annals of the bodacious blog, "Dr. Caligari's Cupboard where Kevin,  an obvious Dino-holic's  Dino-holic hangs his hat, comes Kev's Dino-seasonal offerin' that begins "OK, Frank wasn't the only member of the Rat Pack to sing carols -."

Likes it's a marvelous mix of youtube vids of Dino-seasonal croons includin' "Let It Snow," "White Christmas," "Blue Christmas, and a"A Marshmallow World," as well as the full episode of the 1968 Dino-wintry show.  And, we gets that great Dino-image of him and Mr. Lewis snoozin' on a sofa wearin' Santa Claus attire.  We are incredibly impressed that Kev also includes a number of Dino-quotations that gives us a swank samplin' of wise and wonderful words from our King of Cool.

As we did a wee bit of Dino-searchin' at Kev's bodacious blog, we discovered that Kev has done a number of Dino-seasonal post before that unfortunately we did not get in on so we invite you to checks 'em out at this links,   DECEMBER 2016DECEMBER 2015DECEMBER 2014, and  DECEMBER 2013.  There's two or three more previous years, but we noticed that most of the vid clips are no longer available.

We shouts our our awesome appreciato of Kev's obvious deepest of deep delight in our most most beloved Dino.  We profoundly thanks him for spreadin' so so much Dino-cheer at his blog over time and knows that his energetic efforts for our Dino musta brought just a ton of pallies to Dino-devotion!
To checks this post out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

OK, Frank wasn't the only member of the Rat Pack to sing carols -

I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello', 'goodbye', and 'I'm pregnant'.

our other theme is A Dean Martin's Christmas (Dean died on Christmas day in 1995.)

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! -

Although this song is associated with Christmas, there is no mention of the holiday in the lyrics. This was written by the lyricist Sammy Cahn and the Broadway songwriter Jule Styne in 1945.

White Christmas -

Blue Christmas -

Originally recorded by Western actor Doye O'Dell in 1948, the song found popularity two years later with a cover by Ernest Tubb. Elvis Presley recorded it in 1957 for his Elvis' Christmas Album

A Marshmallow World -

Written by the Brill Building songwriters Carl Sigman and Peter DeRose, this is a popular Christmas song, although it doesn't specifically mention the holiday

What the hell I'm starting to feel the bourbon, let's watch an entire episode of The Dean Martin Christmas Show -

I want to be remembered as a damn good entertainer, nothing spectacular. A good entertainer who made people enjoy themselves and made them laugh a little. I want them to think 'He was a nice guy. He did pretty good and we loved him.'


  1. Great Dino-post, pallie! Dino’s Christmas special is always a highlight of my holiday season. Thanks for spreadin’ the Dino-cheer!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o. drinkin' deeply of our Dino really makes all Dino-holics' spirits bright..this time of Dino-year...truly every time of the Dino-year! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
