Sunday, December 17, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'll Be Home for Christmas"

Welcome back, pals!

How's it swingin'?

I mean your Dino-Winter Month, of course!

Hope youse is absorbin' as much of Dean's Christmasy croonin' as humanly possible, pallies.

We only gots one more week 'til it's all over!

Man! These December days REALLY seem to shoot by!

Waaaaaaa!!! G

onna miss all these holiday Dino-tunes!!! Waaaaaa!!! 
What's a Dino-Winter Month-aholic to do, pallies?!
Waaaaa!!! Waaaaa!!!

Hey....wait just a croonin' Dino-minute, (sniff sniff)!!!
I ALMOST forgot (sniff sniff)!!!

The only thin' that Month simply transitions into Dino-Winter SEASON!!!


Our fearless leader, DMP,  has been callin' it this all along!


Feelin' MUCH better now, mi amici!

Dean's wintery tunes will keep us on ice 'til the first signs of Spring!


What a guy!

He'd NEVER abandon us right smack in the middle of this chilly, snowy season!

Actually, as my "dear" old Uncle reminded me...Winter hasn't even officially started yet!

We still gots PLENTY of time for these type o' tunes! 

Anyways, pallies...speakin' 'bout my ol' Uncle...he REALLY had me thinkin' back to my younger days.
We were laughin' 'bout all the crazy thins' that have happened over the years.
Reminisced 'bout all the peeps that have come & gone.

REALLY gots me longin' for those olden times & Christmases gone by.

Man, mi amici...what I wouldn't give to be back there, now...just for a bit. Hang out with my Dad...give my Nanna a BIG foolish with my friends.
Just be young & free of worry, once 'gain.

I guess we ALL wouldn't mind that huh, pals?

Well...guess what, my friends?!
Deans gonna help us do just that!

Today's Serenade, "I'll Be Home for Christmas", is that ONE special song that REALLY takes me back there. 
Takes me back to those WONDERFUL days!
In a melancholy way, for sure.

I'm hopin' that it will bring ALL youse, pals o' mine, some GREAT GREAT memories of this GREAT GREAT season, as well! 


I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents 'neath the tree

Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
And you'll be in my dreams

I'll be home this Christmas, darling
I'll be coming home to you
And there's nothing in the world
Gonna get in my way

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents 'neath the tree

Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
And you'll be in my dreams
I'll be home for Christmas
Till then you'll be in my dreams


  1. It is hard to believe that Christmas is almost here once again, the month is flying by! I for one am looking forward to it, one of my favorite times of the year. And of course we can count on some wonderful Dean Martin tunes to get us all in the mood thanks to you Danny G.! A sweet sounding holiday tune my friend! It does not get any better then that.

    Try and stay warm up in New England Danny G., and that you once again for a great selection.

    Have a great week.


  2. We’ve got our Dino to keep us warm, pal! Glad you liked the jam! I’ll keep doin’ my part, Scotty! Thanks for your concern for my freezin’ old bones! Haha!!

  3. Such a poignant Dino-tune -- especially in light of the fact of his passing on Christmas Day 1995.

    But our Dino is still with us in spirit every Christmas.
