Friday, December 01, 2017

I give you Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra and their families.

Hey pallies, likes welcome to our month long coolest of cool celebration of Dino-wintertime and reverently reverent remembrance of our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995 here at our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-conclave.  Likes have we got the swankest of swank, sweetest of sweet Dino-treat to keenly kickoff this month of celebratin' 'n rememberin'.....none other then the youtube vid of the FULL EPISODE of that beautifully beloved 1967 gatherin' of fam Martin with fam Sinatra to make all us Dino-philes spirits bright!

From the blog "muddled musings of a mangled mind, our host Mr. Roger Turner has shared this bestest of best Dino-seasonal treat for our pure Dino-viewin' pleasure.  Mr. Turner describes himself as a "55 year old kid who never grew up. Happily married to love of my life, Megan. Transplanted Brit, living in Canada since 1967. Devoted fan of the Detroit Tigers and huge fan of anything to do with Las Vegas."  We gotta 'fess up that we digs his style...'specially 'bout the part of bein' a "huge fan" of all thin's 'Vegas baby 'Vegas!

So, likes sits back and spend a happiest of happy hour with our Dino and Mr. Sinatra and their clans for this wonderful way of gettin' all us Dino-holics in the Dino-seasonal spirits!  We thanks Mr. Turner for sharin' this sweet treat with his readership so that we coulda pass it on to youse and yours.
And, likes, of course, thanks to the youtube pallie who tags themself "Deano Martin" for this and many many more marvelous Dino-viewin' vids! To checks this out at Roger's pad, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Christmas special of the day

Two members of the rat pack. In fact the top two, and their families help present Dean’s Christmas show in 1967. So, for Christmas, I give you Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra and their families.


  1. What a way to kick off Dino Winter Month 2017! Gonna watch this MANY MANY times throughout December! Gets me in a SWINGIN’ holiday state of mind, mi amici!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, glads your concur with our Dino-selection...indeed Dino-holics are goin' to wanna drink deeply of this Dino-wintery celebration as often as possible this Dino-season! Keeps lovin' our one, our only Dino!
