Saturday, December 02, 2017

AN ADORABLE video shows the moment an elderly couple shared a special moment by dancing to Dean Martin in a busy shopping centre.

Hey pallies, likes welcome back to Day 2 of our month long  coolest of cool celebration of Dino-wintertime and reverently reverent remembrance of our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995.  We gotta once 'gain 'fess up that today's Dino-gram ain't the one we had prepared to share with all youse Dino-holics, but as faith followers of our Dino here at ilovedinomartin often know, a really remarkable powerfully potent piece of Dino-devotion comes our way, often through the energetic efforts at our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search and we just can't wait to shares it with Dino-holics everywhere.

Such is today's delightful Dino-post that comes from the UK news pad "deadline' where swank scriber Miss Kirsty Stewart" yester-Dino-day shared the hugely heartwarmin' post, "“Strictly 2018” – Adorable moment elderly couple filmed dancing to Dean Martin in shopping centre."  Likes the tag of the post sez it all pallies, an older couple, Eleanor and Les  Stocken were recently shoppin' at the Aberdeen (Scotland) Trinity Centre when they asked a 20 year old croon tagged Lewis Carroll to sing 'em a song that they coulda dance to and the wise beyond his years young man chose our Dino's signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" for the couple to dance two. (Note that the patter below states it was "You’re Nobody til Somebody Loves You," 'nother Dino-classic, but when youse view the brief vid it is indeed our Dino's Beatle bustin' classic.)

Likes it truly truly warms our Dino-hearts to share this wonderful way that our Dino has been lovin'ly lifted up and sweetly shared once 'gain on the old world wide web.  We knows that  this particular post ain't exactly Dino-seasonal in nature, but this Dino-season is all 'bout peace and good will and truly our Dino has laid his happiness on this couple and on all those who have had the delight in bein' their to see it in person or likes all us Dino-philes watchin' it via the vid.

We thanks Miss Kristy Stewart and all the pallies at "deadline" for sharin' these marvelous moments with the larger Dino-world.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  NOTE:  The vid will not play from ilovedinomartin, so  simply goes 'head and clicks on the tag of this post to view it at the original site.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

“Strictly 2018” – Adorable moment elderly couple filmed dancing to Dean Martin in shopping centre

“Strictly 2018” – AN ADORABLE video shows the moment an elderly couple shared a special moment by dancing to Dean Martin in a busy shopping centre.
Eleanor and Les Stocken asked performer Lewis Carroll from integrated stage school Music 4 U to play them a song during their visit to Aberdeen Trinity Centre yesterday.
The 20-year-old sang You’re Nobody til Somebody Loves You by Dean Martin so that the adorable couple could dance away like no one was watching.
Video Player
With Lewis’ dulcet tones heard in the background, the couple can be seen swaying across the floor arm in arm, with Eleanor singing along.
The couple from Northfield, Aberdeen continue to sway back and forth, clearly enjoying the moment with grins spread across their face.
A group has gathered next to the dancing couple and other passers by can resist a watch.
Debbie Kirkness, Director at Music 4 U, captured the heartwarming moment on
camera and shared it on their Facebook page.
The original video has been viewed 40,000 times and shared 372 times.
Social media users have flooded the post with lovely comments.
Tanya Shirreffs said: “Eleanor and Les. They love dancing. Hope I’m still in love like they are at their age. This is my mum’s partner mum and dad.”
Valerie Huggins said: “My cousin Eleanor Stockan and her husband Les from Northfield. Wonderful to see this.”
Diane Cormack said: “Aww how lovely is that – what a beautiful moment.”
Rhea Ford said: “I’m actually crying this is so sweet.”
While Alan Higgins suggested that the couple might appear on TV screens next year, saying: “Strictly 2018.”
Gail Yule added: “Awww lovely. Would love to see more people dancing in the centre.”
Speaking today, Debbie Kirkness said: “It’s a lovely moment. It caught all of us by surprise and I’m so glad I acted quickly enough to get it on video.
“It’s had such an amazing response.
“We’re an integrated stage school, 40% of our young people are supported and we integrate them with the other 60%. We promote young people who have an affinity with music.
“Lewis is an amazing singer, he loves old style music and swing stuff. Dean is one of his old favourites.
“The couple stopped and didn’t want to move on. They asked him to to play something they could dance to and he chose that and they loved it.”

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