Thursday, December 07, 2017

Dean Martin returns at a new peak of No. 80, as The Dean Martin Christmas Album opens at No. 41 on the Top Holiday Albums chart.....

Xander Zellner
Hey pallies, likes we are powerfully pumped to likes welcome all youse Dino-philes  back to Day 7 of our marvelous month long Dino-seasonal tribute here at ilovedinomartin.  Likes on November 1st of this Dino-year we were perfectly pleased to announce that  the pallies at  Sony  were set to reissue the original 1966 “Dean Martin Christmas Album” on CD.  While the classic croons on this al-b-um have been put on countless versions of Dino-wintery collections, this is the first time in over 50---count 'em---50 years that this absolutely awesome al-b-um is bein' re-issued in CD with the original Dino-art on the cover and the original order of the Dino-croons.  Youse can read our original November 1, 2017 post  HERE.

Likes we just knew that this delightful Dino-release was gonna mean great thin's for our Dino and yesterday afternoon while pourin' through Dino-'lerts sent our way by the pallies at google, we were lovin'ly to the home pad of Billboard, "billboardbiz" which awesomely announced that in their "Artist 100 news for this Dino-week that as we have proudly proclaimed in the tag of this Dino-gram that "Dean Martin returns at a new peak of No. 80, as The Dean Martin Christmas Album opens at No. 41 on the Top Holiday Albums chart."

Dig that dudes!  Almost 22 years after our Dino has departed our planet, he returns to the Billboard Charts!!!!! Likes how awesomely amazin' this that?!?!?!?!  And we are eagerly expectly that in the weeks to come our Dino will be climbin' higher and higher on the Artist 100 Chart!  We thanks the fantastic folks at Billboard, in particular Mr. Xander Zellner, the Associate Charts Manager, who scribed this noteworthy news, and we are beautifully believin' that this means that tons and tons of more pallies will be drawn into the Dino-fold this Dino-wintery season!

To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  And, likes Dino-holics, we just couldn't resist sharin' the youtube vid of all the Dino-seasonal croons of this amazin' al-b-um.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The Dean Martin Christmas Album

Among other chart moves, an array of artists re-enter the Artist 100 thanks to their holiday music. Vince Guaraldi Trio re-enters at No. 77; Dean Martin returns at a new peak of No. 80, as The Dean Martin Christmas Album opens at No. 41 on the Top Holiday Albums chart; and Nat King Cole, Johnny Mathis and Gene Autry re-enter at No. 84, 91 and 99, respectively.

Merry Christmas with The Dean Martin - The Dean Martin Christmas Album


  1. DMP,
    I'll be linking to your November 1, 2017 blog post on December 20. With a hat tip to I Love Dino Martin, the best Dino site on the web. Feel free to stop by! You, too, Danny G.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks for the heads up...we will tries to view, but the 21st will be our last day on the 'net 'til after Dino-departure day. Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. DMP,
    I plan to post it very early in the morning. Christmas preparations and festivities and all that.


    Merry Christmas to you, DMP, my friend in Dino.
