Sunday, November 05, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams"

Hey pallsies...Happy November!

Man o man...the days are movin' by SO SO fast!

Holidays are creepin' up...nights & mornins' are gettin' colder...& days & sun rays seem to be growin' older.

Maybe a few of us might be feelin' those "Change of Season Blues"!

I'll be honest...I miss October!
Loves my tricks n' treats! Haha!!

Well guess what, pals o mine??!! 

Our MAIN MAN Dino ain't leavin' us hangin'!!!

No way!!

Not while "The Deans" in charge! Haha!

Todays's Serenade is one of the MOSTEST...AB SO LUTE EST...IN SPI RA TION AL tunes youse may EVER hear, pallies!

I grabbed this BEA U TI FUL little number off Dino's 1959 al b um "Sleep Warm". the ways...was put to vinyl with the help of his bestest pallie, Frankie, conductin'.

Cool Cool stuff, mi amici!

"Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams" is SURE to LIFT those dreary hearts & shoo away those cloudy & gray Pre-Holiday moods.

Can't help but be happy hearin' Dean weave his spell!

Magical is the ONLY way I can thinks to describe it, pallies!

Easy flowin...charismatic charm.

If this don't cheer youse up DON'T knows WHAT to do!!!

Shock treatment maybe???!!! Hahaha!

Don't fear pals...I'm SURE this will do the trick!

BUT...just in case youse needs a wee bit of EXTRA somethin' kickstart this season...I'm includin' a fun fun cartoon clip to gets youse gigglin'!

So hang in there, my friends.

Life IS good & 'member ALL thins' shall pass!

Most of all...'member that Dean is on your side & NOTHIN' can mess with that!


When skies are cloudy and gray
They're only gray for a day
So wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Until the sunshine peeks through
There's only one thing to do
Just wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Your castles may tumble that's fate after all
Life's really funny that way
No use to grumble just smile as they fall
Weren't you a king for a day

Oh just remember the sunshine
Always follows the rain
So wrap up your troubles in dreams
And dream your troubles away

Castles may tumble that's fate after all
Life's really funny that way
No use to grumble just smile as they fall
Weren't you a king for a day

Oh just remember the sunshine
Always follows the rain
So wrap up your troubles in dreams
Wrap your troubles in dreams
And dream dream your troubles away


  1. It looks like we all survived Halloween and we are full on not November. My oh my where does the time go. I guess we will soon be talking about Thanksgiving, that is one holiday I just love, mostly for the food. :-)

    A great choice this week DMP, a wonderful and smooth sounding song. I must say I also loved the Family Guy clip, I love that show but have not seen the Dean Martin one before!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, your Dino-prosin' gets smoother and cooler each and every week....obviously swankly scribed by one's who Dino-adulation is growin' daily and is growin' daily in speakin' Dino-truths. And, likes in addition to yet 'nother cool croon by our most beloved Dino, the Dino-toon is incredibly inspirational as well! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!

  3. Haha!! I just knew youse pallies would get a kick outta Dino's cool words of inspiration...not to mention flyin on a rigatoni! Haha!!
