Friday, April 07, 2017

I love Dean Martin because of him......

Image result for dean martin

Hey pallies, likes over and over 'gain we have been  proudly pleased to share touchin' 'n tender testimonials of how parents  have had incredible influence on directin'  their prodigy in the direction of our most most beloved Dino.  Right here at ilovedinomartin we have heard first hand from our Dino-bros, Danny-o and Eddie-o, how each of their daddy-o's had the hugest of huge influence on each of them comin' into the Dino-fold full force!

Well, likes once 'gain this very Dino-day we are pleased to share yet 'nother delightful  Dino-testimonal of how yet 'nother father's love of our Dino has led to his son's love of our King of Cool.
From the new to the 'net blog tagged "Dude, I'm a Dad!," scribed  "for dads by a soon-to-be dad and a toddler’s dad!" comes dad-to-be Mr. Armando Alvarez's sharin' tagged "Just Like Dad."

Mr. Alvarez shares his great love for his father, who recently passed away at 91 from Alzheimer’s Disease and his hopes for fatherin' is own son that enter the world this comin' July.  Today we share a brief paragraph from Mr. Alvarez that includes his remarkable reflection, "I love Dean Martin because of him."  There is much more to share of Alvarez's wise words and youse can do so by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-gram to read his entire post at his blog.

We thanks Mr. Armando Alvarez for sharin' how is father helped him to get to know, love, and honor our Dino.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

By Armando Alvarez

Just Like Dad

I’ll be 37 when my son comes into this world on, or around July 21st.  Even though I won’t be what’s considered an older dad, I wonder if my son Anderson will have a similar prayer.  I loved my dad more than anyone will ever know.  He was my father, my teacher, my mentor, my hero.  I looked up to him.  I love Dean Martin because of him, I love the Yankees because of him, I love boxing because of him, and I’d like to think I’m a pretty decent guy because of him.

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