Thursday, April 06, 2017

Dean Martin ( (Talent from the past)

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Hey pallies, likes this Dino-gram ain't completely new to ilovedinomartin Dino-holics 'cause we are quite certain that we have posted the youtube vid of the Dino-documentary, "Dean Martin - The One & Only" previously here.  In fact, in doin' just a wee bit of ilovedinomartin blog searchin', we discovered that we shared it last on January 9, 2016 and you can find it HERE.

Likes why we have chosen to share it 'gain this particular Dino-day is likes 'cause we manifold marvel at the many and varied intriguin' internet sites that our most beloved Dino continues to be showin' up on.  Today we takes you for the first time to the blog, "The World of Silly Willy and Fluffy,"  where as you can see by the picture to the left, Silly Willy and Fluffy are real life clowns!  Now how fun is that pallies.  In speakin' 'bout their blog, Mr. Silly Willy procliams, "It is not about Me or Fluffy,it's about a wonderful life of bringing joy and sharing happiness with others. We are living "Our Dream!"

And, likes in their most recent post, " Dean Martin ( (Talent from the past)" these two fun lovin' pallies have brought "joy and sharing happiness with others" via sharin' the youtube vid Dino-documentary "Dean Martin The One And Only."  Likes, we couldn't be more pleased as we were ruminatin' on that greatest of great Dino-al-bum cover that has our most beloved Dino with a Chatty Cathy dollie proclaimin', "Happiness Is Dean Martin," as well as that mighty marvelous Dino-croon, "Lay Some Happiness On Me.  Truly truly, our Dino brings joy and happiness to all of his pallies.

We thanks Mr. Silly Willy and Miss Fluffy for layin' such happiness on their blog readership for this insightful and delightful Dino-post....sure to bring a ton more pallies to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our one and only Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin ( (Talent from the past)


Dean Martin - The One & Only (Documentary)

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