Friday, April 28, 2017

From The Teachin's Of Our Most Beloved Dino

Hey pallies, likes today we are deeply deeply delighted to share with all youse Dino-holics one of our most beloved Dino's teachin's.  We found it at the tumblr pad tagged 'THE RAKE IN BRIEF," the superbly swankest of swank man's fashion image site 'round on the ol' 'net.

In doin' a little investigatin' of this stellar site, we found this extremely edifyin' thoughts 'bout what it means to be "The Rake:".....“The modern man longs for a cultured world of exquisite - yet unabashedly masculine- refinement. He longs for the world of The Rake.”  Powerfully pontificatin' further, we digs these stated qualities of "The Rake":

“Who is The Rake?” you ask.

He is classically elegant.
He is well groomed.
An erudite gentleman.
Enjoys the finer things in life.

Likes, to our way of thinkin' these qualities perfectly fit the swingin' style of our most beloved Dino, and thus we are not at all surprised to find one of his remarkably reflective thoughts posts at this pad.

Below is one of, what we consider to be, an incredible image of our coolly classic Dino.  Likes we believe this powerful pose of our Dino is taken from the 1964 Rat Pack big screen epic, "Robin And The Seven Hoods,"  with our Dino, dressed in tux, his ever present Kent cigarette in hand, obviously  deeply deep in thought.

And, the pallies at "THE RAKE IN BRIEF" have marvelously matched this powerfully potent pose with one of our Dino's truthful teachin's.  Likes our wise 'n wonderful Dino shares from the deepest of deep depth of his experiences these coolly crafted words, "“In regular clothes, I’m a nobody,” said Dean Martin. “In a tuxedo, I’m a star.”

We here at ilovedinomartin are always energetically eager to share more of the life and teachin's of our King of Cool, our Master of Hip, our Ruler of Randy with Dino-devotees of all types and stripes, all ages and stages and all of us desire to grow deeper and deeper in the way of our most beloved Dino!

Likes we shouts out our awesome appreciato to the pallies at "THE RAKE IN BRIEF" for coolly choosin' to draw deeply from wise words of our Dino to share with their remarkable readership and help many others to know, love, and honor our one and only Dino.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

“In regular clothes, I’m a nobody,” said Dean Martin. “In a tuxedo, I’m a star.” Read how to rock black tie the right way, on now.

“In regular clothes, I’m a nobody,” said Dean Martin. “In a tuxedo, I’m a star.” 


  1. While I am TOTALLY diggin' on this choosin' of our Dude amongst DUDES, Dino...for the postin'...I is 100% NOT agreein' with our main man, that he is a "nobody" without his tux! We ALL know that Dean could smoke ANY celebrity of todays standards...even while wearin' nothin' more than a paper bag! Ha! Obviously our pal was a man of humility & never considered himself much of the superstar that we ALL knew he was. Makes me respect him that much more! Cool find DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes of course we are with you man...but we thinks, as is often the cause, our most beloved Dino was mixin' his unique humor with his thought provokin' teachin's. Thanks as always for takin' the time to honor our Dino with you devoted Dino-reflections. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. I gotcha pal. Just bothers me...even jokingly...hearin our pal was a nobody. I guess I'm just too damn Dino-emotional! Haha!!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, 'gain we hear you dude, and we awesomely appreciate your deepest of deep devotion to our Dino that brings you to such depths of extraordinary emotions of swank support for our most beloved Dino. We believes that our Dino found it so easy to joke 'bout his status 'cause he was aware of the depth of devotion of his fans. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Tuxedo or regular clothes, Martin will always be an awesome guy!

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss Mabel, so so Dino-true. Thanks for the patterin'....keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  7. If we all could "a nobody" like Dean!! Oh this world be a whooole lot betta theam it is now pallies!!

  8. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, dem are the wisest of wise words sir....spoken likes a deeply deeply devoted Dino-knower. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
