Saturday, April 29, 2017

.....a younger audience is going to be more interested in a Kendrick Lamar review than they would be a piece on the life and times of Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes we are always totally totally thrilled and have the most awesome appreciation for each and every time we find the name of our most beloved Dino bein' lifted up on the ol' world wide web.  And, likes we does tries to share the vast variety of wonderful ways that our Dino is remarkably referenced by bloggers scribin' on an ubber unendin' lists of topics.

Today we takes you to a powerful pad where the swank subjects of music and writin' are marvelously mixed together.  The blog is tagged "Learn to Music - Write about music, learn about writing (about music)," where a pallie tagged David holds forth.  Speakin' 'bout his pad, music journalism scriber David sez it is " part blog, part interactive course, all guided towards bringing out the music journalist in you.

Likes in one of David's recent posts tagged, "Writing for Your Audience," he referenced our one and only Dino as you will note below.  It's in a section of the blog post accentin' the importance of knowin' the age of the readers you are most addressin'.  While we are not totally totally in agreement with David's perspective, we do understand where he is comin' from.  Typically one would expect that our Dino's devotees would be older in age rather then younger 'cause his career spans the mid '40's to the end of the '80's.

But, over time we have been perfectly proud to share many many Dino-grams showin' just how many of today's youth are turnin' on to our Dino.  Most recently we had a true Deanager who tags themself "Mabel Ƥιηєѕ"  patter us sayin'  "I love Martin's music and ever since I stumbled upon this blog, I gotta say this blog is amazing. (And I'm only a teen.)"  When we quired her 'bout how she came to come into the Dino-fold she shared,  "Hi Sir, thank you for your kind comment. :)
I wanted to listen to several Christmas songs in December last year and for 'Let it snow', I fell in love with Dino's version. I decided to search up on Martin and started listening to some of his other songs.
It was that love for his cover of 'Let it snow' that started my obsession with the handsome Martin. I'm so glad I got to know this great guy. :)  Youse can find "Mabel's comments at the end of the post found  HERE.  Miss "Mabel" is simply one extraordinary example of a ton of today's youths whose Dino-devotion has been shared here at ilovedinomartin.

So, we sez our thanks to David for pickin' our most beloved Dino to reference in his blog post out of all the many and varied artists of our Dino's era.  We just know that his kind Dino-reference will be the startin' point for many pallies to join the throngs of  folks every day findin' there way to our Dino as Miss "Mabel" has.  And, likes we are most pleased to use today's Dino-gram to celebrate the huge huge numbers of today's nouveau hipsters who are followin' in the Dino-way.

Likes to read music journalism blogger David's post in total, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

(Here is an example of the Dino-creativity of a Deanager tagged Emily that was originally  shared in a Dino-gram on July 5, 2013 that you can view  HERE.)

Writing for Your Audience

These types of assumptions can also extend to your content; while it’s not 100% it’s still pretty likely that a younger audience is going to be more interested in a Kendrick Lamar review than they would be a piece on the life and times of Dean Martin. The opposite is also true; an older audience is less likely to care about modern Billboard chart analysis than they would about, say, an interview with Leslie West. These are assumptions, yes, but they’re fair assumptions to make.


  1. (Screams excitedly)
    Thank you for mentioning me! It's such an honour to be named on this article and to be called a Deanager! :) :)
    And that collage is great! I read comments on YouTube videos on Dean Martin from teens who said they love his songs. Glad a handful of youngsters like me know how to appreciate vintage music.

    Anyways, I'm excited for Martin's 100th birthday! (Squeals)

    I'm so happy reading this, this made my day! (Yup, Mabel is actually the name of a character I role-play as. XD)

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss "Mabel" we thoughts you might enjoys seein' your Dino-adulation shared with the readers here at ilovedinomartin. When you have the time, you may want to peruse the annals of our Dino-blog to learn of tons of other of today's youth turned on to the Dino-beat.
    Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
