Monday, March 13, 2017

In 2017.....we'll be publishing - in the centenary of his birth - a very personal biography of the iconic all-round entertainer, Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes a while back we received patter from Mr. Elliot Thorpe, the son of the late Mr. Bernard  Thorpe.  It was Bernard who began the Dean Martin Association in 1960 at our Dino's request, and likes this organization has had a remarkably rich history of spreadin' Dino-devotion 'round the known universe since then.  You can access our post recountin' the history of DMA right  HERE.

The patter from Bernard's son Elliot relates to  us that in this year of our Dino's centenary the younger Thorpe will be publishin' his father's biography of our Dino with the publisher bein' CHINBEARD BOOKS.  Likes below are the comments that Elliot left here at ilovedinomartin as well as the announcement of the comin' release of his father's Dino-bio at the CHINBEARD BOOKS site.  As you will note the tome will be tagged, "DEAN MARTIN - A PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY by Bernard H Thorpe."

The publication date is not known at this time, but Elliot has promised to keep ilovedinomartin posted 'bout all the publishin' details, so stay tuned for more info in the months ahead.  To checks out the annoucement at CHINBEARD BOOKS, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  We thanks Mr. Elliot Thorpe for givin' us an early heads up on this Dino-project.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hi, Dino Martin Peters... I echo my sister Carole's comments regarding the kind comments you made a while back about our sadly missed father. And yes I can confirm she did indeed receive the doll from Mr Martin!
You may be interested to know that Bernard wrote a biography on Dino and that I have secured a publisher for the work. With his blessing before he passed away, I am pleased to say it will be published this year to coincide with Dino's centenary. Details can be found here: (you may need to scroll down to the relevant release notification on the publisher's site). However, I will keep you updated with the release date (tbc). with best wishes.

It is with great delight that our furry little chinbeards can croon this announcement together! In 2017 (yes, we're scheduling that far in advance), we'll be publishing - in the centenary of his birth - a very personal biography of the iconic all-round entertainer, Dean Martin. Here's a little explanation from the author's son, Elliot Thorpe...

"...I am very very pleased to announce for 2017 from Chinbeard Books: DEAN MARTIN - A PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY by Bernard H Thorpe. As some of you know, my dad had tirelessly and proudly promoted Dino and his career since 1960, in the process gaining the privilege to call Dino a friend. Dino would have been 100 years old in 2017 and so this biography is in celebration of that and of the hard work my dad did for him for over 50 years. Sadly my dad died earlier this year so I hope I can do it justice by finishing what he started..."

We are very humbled, here at Chinbeard Books, that we can publish and promote this very personal tome.


  1. Cheers! Great news, and congratulations! Many fathers who are not with us anymore have had great impacts in our lives, and who are mainly responsible for introducing Dino into our lives!!

  2. Very cool post! Ed, my pallie...youse is TOTALLY speakin' Dino-truth! My Pops was ab so lute ly the guy who brought our pal, Dean into my life. "Tex" Martin could be heard bellowin' from the giant record player/radio/cassette player/piece of enormous our parlor, all weekend long! Haha!!
