Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Listening to these Singles and EP 's increase and enrich the overall view of the artistic journey of Dean more than any Greatest Hits.

Hey pallies, likes we are always always most most deeply delighted with a faithful reader of ilovedinomartin puts us on to Dino-post that very very likely we woulda not discover without their golden guidance, and we are ever more appreciative when the post has been scribed by said faithful reader.  Case in point, today we once 'gain visit with the mighty marvelous musical blog tagged "DU-DUM-DUM," where fellow Dino-holic Mr. Victor Hugo holds forth.  Over the course of time we have shared a select number of delightful Dino-prose from Mr. Hugo's pen and you will be able to locate 'em by typin' the tag Victor Hugo in the search bar at the top left of this blog.

Very recently Victor graciously shared a bit of patter on one of our ilovedinomartin posts pleasantly pointin' us in the direction of his blog where durin' December he has swankly shared his terrific thoughts on a recent cool compilation of early Dino-croons tagged "Dean Martin 'That's Amore - A Selection Of Singles & EP's 1946-1962'."  Likes before we goes on we woulda likes to state that Mr. Victor Hugo hails from  Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain and who's bio info tells us that he is in the Biotech field.  So, once 'gain we are powerfully pumped to share yet more Dino-adulation internationale!

Below are Hugo's well written words on this four CD set and his awesome admiration for our Dino shines through his touchin' 'n tender thoughts."  And, likes it is such a pure pleasure to share a fellow Dino-philes amazin'ly awesome admiration for our most most beloved Dino.  We salute Mr. Victor Hugo and thank him for all his efforts in bringin' our Dino front and center to his readership and for takin' the time to let us know 'bout this particular post!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

One of those gems: Dean Martin 'That's Amore - A Selection Of Singles & EP's 1946-1962':

 One more year, finally, are the Christmas dates that we like so much and that we relate so much in my house with the voice of Dean Martin. As it could not be otherwise, the beginning of winter must be faced in the best way possible. And what better than with the loved ones at your side, with the warm house, with the aroma of ginger and cinnamon cookies and with Dino doing his own!

If last year we talked about the box 'Eight Classic Albums' , today we stop for a while to do the same for 'That's Amore - A Selection Of Singles & EP 's 1946-1962' . Another reference of specialized label Real Gone Music I do not think it is necessary to translate or explain.

Pros of this issue: If you decide on this compilation have in an accessible and clear (4 CDs with 71 songs) much of their success. On the other hand, thanks to the chronological order, it has been endearing to me to appreciate like song to song and little by little, Dean Martin was growing in confidence to happen of being a young singer of traditional and classic court to develop already at its fullness a style really Unique and unmistakable. Listening to these  Singles  and EP 's  increase and enrich the overall view of the artistic journey of Dean more than any Greatest Hits. Or at least it complements. The sound (with all the technical issues of remastering and digital enhancements) is flawless. And finally, let's talk about the pocket, which is what it stings: the price of this quadruple disc is simply unbeatable because you can not find anywhere else such a collection for less than € 10 ... There is not.

Cons of it: As usual norm in the record information, notes, credits and accompanying texts conspicuous by their absence. On the other hand, we can not speak of a full compilation for missing the odd composition as "Hey Brother Pour The Wine" , "That's What I Like" or "Once Upon A Time" . Point.

My verdict:  The followers of the master are in front of another imperative  with which complete the nightclub. I think it was my duty to say it. And we can only give the play , adjust the red scarf, raise your glass and toast the new year is waiting for us just around the corner classy.

Always be in class.
Yes, yes ... it was Victor Hugo at 14:17

Una de esas joyitas: Dean Martin 'That´s Amore - A Selection Of Singles & EP´s 1946-1962':

Un año más, por fin, se acercan las fechas navideñas que tanto nos gustan y que tanto relacionamos en mi casa con la voz de Dean Martin. Como no podía ser de otra forma, el inicio del invierno hay que encararlo de la mejor manera posible. ¡Y qué mejor que con las personas queridas a tu lado, con la casa calentita, con el aroma de galletas de jengibre y canela y con Dino haciendo de las suyas!

Si el año pasado hablamos de la caja 'Eight Classic Albums', hoy nos detendremos un rato para hacer lo propio de 'That´s Amore - A Selection Of Singles & EP´s 1946-1962'. Otra referencia de la discográfica especializada Real Gone Music que no creo que sea necesario traducir o explicar.

Pros de esta edición: Si te decides por este recopilatorio tendrás de forma accesible y clara (4 cd´s con 71 canciones) gran parte de sus éxitos. Por otro lado, gracias al orden cronológico, me ha resultado entrañable apreciar como canción a canción y poquito a poco, Dean Martin fue creciendo en confianza para pasar de ser un joven cantante de corte tradicional y clásico a desarrollar ya en su plenitud un estilo realmente único e inconfundible. La escucha de estos Singles  y EP´s aumenta y enriquece la visión en conjunto del recorrido artístico de Dean más que cualquier Greatest Hits. O por lo menos lo complementa. El sonido (con todas las cuestiones técnicas de remasterización y mejoras digitales) es impecable. Y finalmente, hablemos del bolsillo, que es lo que pica: el precio de este cuádruple disco es simplemente imbatible pues no se puede encontrar en ningún otro sitio una colección así por menos de 10€... No lo hay.

Contras de la misma: Como viene siendo norma habitual en la discográfica la información, notas, créditos y textos de acompañamiento brillan por su ausencia. Por otro lado, no podemos hablar de un recopilatorio al completo pues falta alguna que otra composición como "Hey Brother Pour The Wine", "That´s What I Like" o "Once Upon A Time". Punto.

Mi veredicto: Los seguidores del maestro se encuentran delante de otro imprescindible con el que completar la discoteca. Creo que era mi deber decirlo. Ya solamente nos queda darle al play, ajustarnos el pañuelo rojo, levantar la copa y brindar por el nuevo año que nos está esperando a la vuelta de la esquina con clase.

Sieeeeeeempre con clase.
Sí, sí... fue Víctor Hugo a las 14:17


  1. Very cool post! Victor has a way with words & is OBVIOUSLY a true Dino disciple in his own right! Thanks for sharin', DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o we ditto your true true thoughts! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
