Monday, January 09, 2017

A young girl, recovering from the recent death of her father, discovers some Dean Martin records in her dusty attic and falls in love with the singer, who’s long dead.

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Image result for Shikha Kumar
Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, incredible, immensely, intensively interestin' Dino-devotion keeps flowin' our way from the pages of the ol' world wide web, and all we can say pallies is that we are greatly grateful to be able to share in with Dino-philes everywhere.  Likes, today through the cool courtesy of our pallies at google Dino-'lerts we share with you yet 'nother excellently engagin' example of the liftin' up of the name of our Dino in a recently published  book of fiction that accently not only the international nature of Dino-admiration, but the youthful nature of it as well!

From the pages of the 'net presence of the "hindustantimes" from  New Delhi,India comes the remarkable read, "An anthology that takes you into the dark places of the mind," by scriber Miss Shikha Kumar.  the fascinatin' feature is a portion of a interview with youthful "environmental researcher and author Miss Tejaswini Apte-Rahm" accentin' her  "recent debut anthology, These Circuses That Sweep The Landscape" from Aleph.

Likes, what does any of this have to do with our most beloved Dino?, you quire.  Well the anthology is a series of short stories and one of 'em puts our King of Cool front and center.  As you read in the tag of this Dino-gram, the theme of one of the stories has "A young girl, recovering from the recent death of her father, discovers some Dean Martin records in her dusty attic and falls in love with the singer, who’s long dead."

We did do a bit of research to find out how available this particular tome is and discovered that there are limited print copies (currently 2) on Amazon and that the Kindle edition is the most readily available version.  We are most eager to read Apte-Rahm's short Dino-focused story and are pleased that in the interview she stated, "I’m a fan of Dean."

We here at ilovedinomartin salute Miss  Tejaswini Apte-Rahm, the author, Miss  Shikha Kumar, the scriber, and the pallies at "hindustantimes" for spreadin' the news 'bout this ubber unique way that our Dino is bein' shared.  To read the prose in it's entirety, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

An anthology that takes you into the dark places of the mind

Shikha Kumar

Highlight Story
Having lived in seven countries, Tejaswini-Apte Rahm believes that people, and their dilemmas, are the same everywhere

A young girl, recovering from the recent death of her father, discovers some Dean Martin records in her dusty attic and falls in love with the singer, who’s long dead. A shopaholic woman gets trapped in a mall for a year, and tries desperately to locate the exit. A famed architect, nearing 80, considers a public suicide of his ideas; a beetle collector, overly possessive about his wife, wants to shrink his wife. These wonderfully dark and twisted stories are from environmental researcher and author Tejaswini Apte-Rahm’s recent debut anthology, These Circuses That Sweep The Landscape (Aleph).

Excerpts from an interview:

Tell us more about the Dean Martin story. A girl actually falling in love with a dead singer is quite unnerving.

I’m a fan of Dean, fortunately not to that extent. And often, when I listen to a singer I really admire, I listen very closely. I feel intense emotion, or admiration... a few seconds when your brain goes ‘wow’. And then that moment passes and real life ensues. I got very interested in those intense seconds because I didn’t have the vocabulary to describe that emotion. I could only call it love. And what if it sustains beyond those seconds? I wanted to create a character who experiences that emotion, but that emotion never goes away so it’s a state.

Because the real Dean is not available, the next best thing the girl wants is to be understood and not judged. I felt like that had parallels in real life also – very often, people are judged for who they love and how they love. And this story is one more strand in that larger story.


  1. What an awesome story, thanks for sharing this DMP!


  2. Very deep interesting story! I guess Dino hits different chords in all of us. Cool read!

  3. Hey pallies, likes Miss AOW, Eddie-o, and Danny-o, likes we are really powerfully psyched to find a copy of this tome and to this Dino-fiction. Likes as we know, fiction often reflects real life to a huge degree, and we have read many a true story of a pallie fallin' head over heels for our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our Dino!

  4. I'm sure that we don't hear about all who fall head over heels for our Dino. Not everything is posted on the web.

    Our Dino's legacy is truly immortal!

  5. Hello, this is Tejaswini, author of the story The Girl Who Loved Dean Martin! I had posted a comment yesterday and wasn't sure whether it went through - would very much like to be in touch with the ilovedinomartin group! Do have a look at my website:

  6. Miss Tejaswini, thanks for commentin'. Sorry for any confusion, but this is the first comment that we have received to be published. Enjoyed browsin' your website, and we would be most delighted to hear from you gain. Sometimes we have done special editions of ilovedinomartin that feature interviews with pallies like you. If you might be interested in workin' on an interview via email, let us know. We were truly thrilled to share information on your first published work and are eager to 'specially read your short tome accentin' our Dino!

  7. Hi, great to hear back from you! I would love to work on an interview via email - I could share my thoughts on how the idea for the Dean Martin story came about as well as the experience of writing it. I think it would be of interest to Dean Martin fans! Would be great if you and other Dean fans in the group could get the book on, as I would love to have your responses to the story. I look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes, Tejaswini

  8. Hi, great to hear back from you! I would love to work on an interview via email - I could share my thoughts on how the idea for the Dean Martin story came about as well as the experience of writing it. I think it would be of interest to Dean Martin fans! Would be great if you and other Dean fans in the group could get the book on, as I would love to have your responses to the story. I look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes, Tejaswini

  9. Miss Tejaswini, on readin' your wonderful response, it seems to us that it would, at this time, be much more appropriate to have you simply scribe an exclusive Special Edition of ilovedinomartin that would do what you said...."I could share my thoughts on how the idea for the Dean Martin story came about as well as the experience of writing it." It seems to us that that would free you to simply share your experience without havin' to email back and forth. Perhaps after that, if you desire, we could still do an interview with you as a follow up to your sharin'. Your thoughts on this ma'am?

  10. Hi, that sounds great! Would love to write a blog post for you, and perhaps follow up with an interview later. Would it be possible to communicate on email to take this forward? If you could message me your email on my Facebook page, or use the email address on my website, that would be great. My facebook page: My email address which is also on the 'Contact' page of my website: Looking forward to doing this! :-) Best wishes, Tejaswini
