Tuesday, January 03, 2017

It doesn’t get much more Christmas than Dean Martin

 Hey pallies, likes Happy 2017 pallies!  Likes, likes Dino-seasonal cheer is gonna be spillin' over into the new Dino-year here at ilovedinomartin 'cause we just weren't able to share all the great goodies of our Dino-winter month before the turnin' of the calendar page to the month of January.

Likes today we share a Dino-centric swank seasonal post that, believe it our not pallies, weaves the themes of baseball, grandma and the vid game tagged "Mafia."  Gots your interest pontently peaked pallies?.....we hopes so.  Anywho, today we take you to a blog tagged "DIAMOND HOGGERS," whose profile shares was "established in 2007 as a labor of love," and "is a humorous and informative Baseball Blog written from the perspective of a former collegiate baseball player."  Likes that's where the BB comes in!

The post tagged, "It's Christmas Eve" swankly scribed by a pallie tagged "TheNaturalMevs" begins with an image of one of those singin' Dino-dolls that this dude's "grandma had" "that went up every Christmas!"  And, the reference to the vid game "Mafia" references how the writer "was playing the game Mafia on Christmas morning" and heard our Dino's croonin' of his stellar seasonal selection, "Let It Snow."

We likes enjoyed this little Dino-trib so very much mixin' BB, granny-0, and the Mafia all in one neat little Dino-package and we salute "TheNaturalMevs" for honorably homagin' our most beloved Dino in this way.  Likes to checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  'Gain Happy New Years to Dino-holics every-Dino-where!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

It’s Christmas Eve

It’s truly one of the best days of the year. And if you wonder why there’s a picture of a (Steubenville-born) Dean Martin singing doll on my page, it’s because grandma had one of these that went up every Christmas!
It doesn’t get much more Christmas than Dean Martin – I still remember one of my most epic video game moments was playing the game Mafia on Christmas morning and hearing this.
So enjoy your Christmas Eve, your family, be safe and be merry. Give thanks for all you have. Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers.


  1. Dino The Official Voice of the Season-oh pallies! Preachin to the choir!

  2. Keepin the Dino-Winter Season goin'! Yes sir! I love it! Nice post.
