Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Arrivederci Dino

Hey pallies, likes as we here at ilovedinomartin continue to play catch up with Dino-wintery devotion that we just couldn't get to in December, we turn today to the musical blog RVM p.m.  Likes we did a bit of searchin' to try and find out what RVM stands for with no avail.  So, without further ado, we shares with you their Dino-departure day post tagged "Dean Martin – Arrivederci Dino." which likes we gotta 'fess up that we are swankly smitten by as these pallies play homage to the 21st anniversary of our Dino's leave takin' from our planet.

The post includes a few thoughts on Dino taken from some major web pads as well as two outstandin' youtube Dino vids of our most beloved Dino croonin' his most beloved croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" as well as that Dino-classic of Dino-classics, "That's Amore."  There is also a audio recordin' of our Dino singin' "That's Amore" under the "Listen" section of the post that we weren't able to find a way to share here, but, of course, can be easily assessed at the original post, which, as usual, can be located by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-message.

We thanks the pallies at RVM p.m. for doin' their part to reverently remember our Dino on the day of his passin' from our presence, helpin' their readership to grow in their Dino-adulation.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin – Arrivederci Dino

This day (December 25, 1995), in Beverly Hills, California, died Dino Paul Crocetti a.k.a Dean Martin, an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian.

Wikipedia : This day (December 25, 1995), in Beverly Hills, California, died Dino Paul Crocetti a.k.a Dean Martin, an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian.
Official Web Site : Winning his share of bouts earned him little apart from a broken nose, but Dino’s speakeasy experience put him in contact with club owners, resulting in his first singing gigs.
The Dean Martin Fan Center Website : In July of ’46, Jerry was booked into the 500 Cafe better known as the 500 Club. There is conflicting stories of how Dean landed at the 500 Club at the same time, but both stories concur that a singer was needed to fill the bill , and Jerry recommended Dean. : Dino Paul Crocetti, better known as Dean Martin and often referred to as the King of Cool, was an Italian American singer, actor, comedian and member of The Rat Pack who was signed to Frank Sinatra’s Reprise Records.


  1. Those two words together makes a man hang his head...

  2. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o....very very true sir, but hangin' our heads is a touchin' tribute showin' how much awesome affection and adulation we have for our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin' and sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
