Saturday, January 07, 2017

Dean Martin's "That's Amore"....that Italian beat that melted me so bad.

Hey pallies, likes we're back with more swank seasonal salutations a la Dino and today's Dino-devotion we are pleased to say is international in Dino-scope.  From the Spanish language blog, "A day in life A fun and interesting blog, sometimes surreal, worthy of...." we share blogger Mr. Francisco Sánchez Gallardo's  awesomely astute adulation of our most most beloved Dino.
Likes we can't say for share where Dino-diggin' Francisco calls home 'cause a great part of the world speaks Spanish, but as you will note he mentions Mexico City, and thus we suspect that indeed he is a citizen of the great country of Mexico.

Likes today is one of those Dino-days when we deeply deeply desire that we knew the Spanish language 'cause we just know that the google translation below doesn't begin to do justice to Mr. Gallardo amazin'ly affirmin' admiration of our Dino.  We so do delight in Francisco's tremendous testimonial of how he first got turned on to our King of Cool....hearin' "That's Amore" that was the background for "a lemon pill commercial and that had me from the internet rat trying to find out who was under that Italian beat that melted me so bad."  We've heard similiar stories of other pallies who first heard a Dino-croon and from that moment on gave themselves fully to our Dino.

We tells youse pallies, such powerfully personal patter likes Francisco's brightens and heightens our own devotion to our one and only Dino...likes how 'bout youse?!?!?!?  We completely celebrate Mr.
Francisco Sánchez Gallardo's remarkable remembrances of comin' to Dino published on the 21st anniversary of our Dino's departure from the earth and hope that he will share more and more wonderfully wise words on his amore of our Dino with us in the days ahead.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of these Dino-remarks.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin

The fashionable singer in the ears of Panchito in late 2016.
Dean loved That's Amore a few years ago, a song that sounded in a lemon pill commercial and that had me from the internet rat trying to find out who was under that Italian beat that melted me so bad.

Dean is of the generation of Sinatra and Lewis, making money machines in the 50s and 60s; Little had valued his race, since the old one of the blue eyes that immortalized My way eclipsaba to the rest.

In a bookstore in Mexico City I had the opportunity to meet again with the soft voice of the Italian-American brunette, when I was howling after hearing it in Everybody loves somebody; The rest was to hurguetear and to enjoy: Sway or Money burns to hole in my pocket already they are of my favorites of always. My addiction to the music of the 50's is undeniable, they are the forerunners of what we hear today, hence my adoration.

Both photos, from

Posted 1 week ago by Francisco Sánchez Gallardo

Dean Martin

El cantante de moda en los oídos de Panchito a fines de 2016.
Dean me encantó con That's Amore hace unos años, canción que sonaba en un comercial de pastillas de limón y que me tuvo de rata de internet buscando saber quién estaba bajo ese ritmo italiano que tanto me derretía.
Dean es de la generación de Sinatra y Lewis, máquinas de hacer dinero en los años 50 y 60; poco había valorado su carrera, ya que el viejo de los ojos azules que inmortalizó My way eclipsaba al resto.
En una librería de Ciudad de México tuve oportunidad de reencontrarme con la suave voz del moreno italoamericano, cuando quedé aullando luego de escucharlo en Everybody loves somebody; lo demás fue hurguetear y disfrutar: Sway o Money burns a hole in my pocket ya son de mis favoritas de siempre. Mi adicción a la música de los 50 es innegable, ellos son los precursores de lo que escuchamos hoy, de ahí mi adoración.

Ambas fotos, de

Publicado hace 1 week ago por Francisco Sánchez Gallardo


  1. Dino in 2016, 17, 18... Dino forever!
    We've been listening to this compilation this Christmas:


  2. Cool indeed! I dig the broken English translation! Haha! Dean is TRULY an international treasure!

  3. A more accurate translation of the phrase la suave voz is "the smooth voice" or "the velvet voice."

    Also, moreno conveys more than brunette. It's impossible to translate it exactly; maybe "dark with olive skin" comes close.

  4. No matter the language, Dino is the King of Cool..

  5. It is always wonderful to read about people all over the world that share a love of Dean Martin. A wonderful find and posting DMP!

    Have a nice week.


  6. Hey pallies, likes mucho appreciato to all youse pallies who pattered on this potent post...special thanks to Mr. Victor Hugo for puttin' on to one of his recent posts that we are sure will soon be reposted here at our humble little Dino-blog. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
